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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, June 3
Part of forming a community is defining what that community means. What do we stand for? What are our values? Who is or isn't a member of that community? And what are our goals? Today's stories for Watery Wednesday take a look at the ways in which the Pagan community is defining itself. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
What exactly does it mean to be a polytheist? For many the answer is as simple as "believes in many gods." But for many there's a bit more to polytheism than just that. This primer from The Wild Hunt helps narrow down some of the basic knowledge you might need whenever talking about polytheism.
Dealing with death is often as important a part of a community as dealing with life. How then do Wiccans mourn the dead? This article from the BBC takes a look at a Wiccan funeral.
Yesterday we talked about the recent Supreme Court decision defining Abercrombie & Fitch's dress code policy as discriminatory against Muslims. But Muslims aren't the only ones it affects; this piece from The Huffington Post explains why the decision is a boon for Sikhs as well, whose faith often requires fairly specific dress requirements.
What happens when an outside force tries to demolish a community by undermining its unique values and traditions? That's what happened in Canada according to a recent report, which has defined the Canadian government's indigenous schools policy towards the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit as "cultural genocide." Read more about the policy, which ended just under 20 years ago in 1996, and its consequences here at The Guardian.
What does the future hold for Paganism? Is the growth in the number of self-ascribed witches and Pagans merely a temporary fad? Or does it signify something deeper and lasting? This article by PaganSquare contributor Courtney Weber takes a look at these questions and more.
Top image by GuillaumeG
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