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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, February 3
South African authorities rule that laws enacted against witchcraft are unconstitutional. Greek Pagans dedicate a new temple in their native country. And what does it mean to be an "armchair magician?" It's Watery Wednesday, our weekly segment on news about the Pagan community! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
After years of struggle, Pagan activists in South Africa have succeeded in having the Witchcraft Suppression Act of 1957 ruled unconstitutional. You can learn more about this decisive change in South African law here at The Wild Hunt.
Heathenry is undoubtedly one of the more popular kinds of reconstructionist polytheism in Paganism. But while many are attracted to it, a surprisingly small number stick with it, eventually finding different spiritual paths. What is Heathenry missing then?
Some Pagans and occultists have decried what they call "armchair magicians," or people who study magic but have no practical experience with it despite claims to expertise. Not everyone has taken kindly to the stereotype however and G.B. Marian, a Seth worshiper, lashes back at it in this article decrying those who call armchair magicians "mentally ill."
Greek polytheism (aka Hellenismos) is perhaps the best known example of historical polytheism in the West. It was also one of the first to fall into decline during the reign of the Roman Empire. Now, however, it's experiencing something of a comeback, much to the chagrin of Greek Orthodox leaders.
As with many extant polytheistic and animistic traditions through the world, whether or not the native Japanese religion of Shinto counts as "Pagan" depends on who you ask and how you define the Paganism. But there is no denying that many Pagans find themselves drawn to it. One tells her story over at Patheos.
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