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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, October 27

A brave young woman is honored in a documentary film about her life. The long-term environmental impact of modern civilization is considered. And concern spreads in Germany about a new surge of racism. It's Fiery Tuesday, our weekly take on political and societal news from around the globe. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

You may have heard of Malala Yousafazai. An 18-year-old Muslim from northern Pakistan, Malala gained fame after she was attacked by Taliban extremists in 2012 for her tireless work on behalf of young women such as herself in search of education opportunities. Last year she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Now, her life's being told in the form of a documentary film, directed by Davis Guggenheim.

Speaking of inspirational stories, NHK News has one about a comic book composed by Japanese aid worker Nobuyuki Hirano and Burmese artist Tin Aung Ni about one of the country's most important heroes in modern history, U Thant. In an age where few Burmese children know about U Thant, Hirano and Tin Aung Ni hope that their comic can restore the memory of Burma's past.

Are we at a turning point in history? That's what Jo Confino argues for The Huffington Post, saying that unless we scale back our impact on the environment we could do irreversible damage. You can read his take here.

Is it inappropriate for non-Japanese people to wear traditional Japanese costume, such as the kimono? According to some Asian-Americans it is, but many Japanese manufacturers and analysts argue that it's not and that in fact overseas purchases are a major source of revenue and longevity for the kimono industry. The Japan Times goes into more detail here.

In many ways Germany has been one of the most welcoming countries in Europe towards refugees from Syria and other places. But all the same, racism remains an element in the country, concerning many about the potential for an increase in already worrying levels of racially-motivated violence. Der Spiegel reports on the growth of movements like Pegida and others radically opposed to Middle Eastern refugees.

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Aryós Héngwis (or the more modest Héngwis for short) is a native of the Pontic-Caspian steppe, born some 5000 years ago, near the village of Dereivka. In his youth he stood out from the other snakes for his love of learning and culture, eventually coming into the service of the local reǵs before moving westward toward Europe. Most recently, Aryós Héngwis left his home to pursue a new life in America, where he has come under the employ of BBI Media as an internet watchdog (or watchsnake, if you will), ever poised to strike the unwary troll.


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