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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, August 30
Brazil struggles with its ongoing political crisis. Another incident illuminates the ongoing problem of Islamophobic violence. But things might not be as bad as they seem if one takes the long view. It's Fiery Tuesday, our weekly segment on political and societal news from around the globe! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
The Rio Olympics are now over but that doesn't mean Brazil's out of the news. The ongoing legitimacy crisis surrounding the Brazilian government continues as suspended President Rousseff and acting President Temer continue to combat one another in the public eye. Der Spiegel's Marian Blasberg and Jen Gluesing provide a rundown of the situation here.
When we speak of indigenous peoples we're usually referring to the aboriginal peoples of Australia or the native peoples of the American continents. But indigenous tribes can be found all over the world. Indonesian newspaper The Jakarta Post covers the ongoing struggle of indigenous tribes in Indonesia desiring to make their voice heard in the Javanese-dominated country.
Time and time again, we hear that Islamophobia isn't a real problem. Time and time again, we see evidence that it is. The Times of India shares a story about one hijab-clad woman who was assaulted here in the United States and called "ISIS."
Is Donald Trump a fascist? The question is highly contentious and depends to some extent on how you define fascism. But there is little question that Trump exhibits authoritarian tendencies as well as a shocking admiration for authoritarian leaders around the world, including many hostile to the United States.
With all the violence evident in the world and crises like global warming and Daesh threatening peoples' lives it's very easy to believe we live in an era of unprecedented turmoil. But in fact, the opposite may well be true. At Vox, Julia Belluz explains why the world is in many ways more peaceful and pleasant to live in than it's ever been before (at least in recorded history).
Top image by Claudia Himmelreich
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