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Pagan News Beagle: Earthy Thursday, March 19
Sometimes the best solution to an environmental issue is to look to nature. Today's Pagan News Beagle features several examples of how activists and scientists around the globe are working to implement nature-based solutions to heal the planet in unexpected ways. Read on to learn about artificial forests, "ugly" (but edible) vegetables, and plastic-eating fungus.
Those of you paying attention to climate change may be aware that one of the greatest dangers facing humanity in the near future is desertification, the transformation of formally semi-arid regions of the planet until desolate wastelands. Fortunately, stopping desertification may be as simple as planting some trees! The website inhabitat has more on how entrepreneurs are looking to reforest the Sahara's southern edge.
Are you put off by vegetables that look a bit "off?" You're far from alone, but at least one grocery chain in Canada is looking to change your mind by selling "ugly" but edible produce at a discount. Their hope is that this will reduce "food waste" and increase sustainability.
For much of our history humanity's goal has been to transform the environment to suit our needs. Have we gone too far though? As Yes! Magazine reports activists across the U.S. believe the answer is "yes" (pun unintended) and are looking to remove dams that they believe are doing more damage than help.
It seems like spring's come early this year (at least in the Western United States) and The Huffington Post has a beautiful gallery of flowers to celebrate the nascent season. Follow the link to check out the photos, which feature Tokyo's renowned Hitachi Seaside Park.
As environmentally-aware citizens I'm sure you're all familiar with the idea of recycling and biodegradable materials as well as those things which are not biodegradable, like certain forms of industrial plastic. But is there a way to change that? According to Yale University professor Scott Stroble there might be: it turns out a species of fungus in Ecuador may be able to digest and process polyurethane, one of the most notoriously non-degradable plastics.
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