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Pagan News Beagle: Earthy Thursday, June 25
Science is a powerful instrument for change. With the help of science, humanity has the ability both to hurt the Earth... and to help it. This week for Earthy Thursday we have gathered a number of stories that we think illuminate the power of science to change our world and help us live in harmony with our planet. Read about some of the upcoming changes in green energy, the importance of chemistry, and more. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
First up, Scientific American takes a look at three of the ways that the way in which we acquire power are likely to change over the coming decades. Is the era of renewable energy upon us? Follow the link to learn more!
What impact will the Pope's statement on climate change have? At this point it's hard to tell but it goes without saying the Pagan community has its opinions on the subject. Follow the link over to The Wild Hunt to hear some of the ways the Pagan community is responding.
What's the truth about genetically-modified organisms? Alongside vaccination, global warming, and evolution, the issue of GMOs has been one of the most contentious issues in popular discourse about science for the last couple of decades. Head over to Popular Science to get their take.
When one hears the word "prospecting" the image which probably comes most immediately to mind is someone staking out a claim on gold, oil, or some other mineral resource. But is it possible to be a prospector of geothermal energy? This article from takes a look at a new technological innovation that could make it easier to find hotspots for the potentially profitable energy source.
How much do you know about chemistry? Much of modern technology depends on the use and alteration of chemical compounds but it's not something most of us necessarily could consider ourselves well-versed in. This piece from The Huffington Post takes a look at chemistry and how the public perceives it.
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