A Divine Womb of Light: The Alchemy of the Goddess
A Divine Womb of Light is an exploration of the Sacred Feminine and the application of Her transformative energies. These writings will have the intent and focus of inspiring and quickening within the individual a thirst for deeper connection and opening to the magick and gnosis of the Goddess in all of Her forms. She is the Mother, the Uraeus, the Muse, the Warrior, and the Healer, to name a few. SHE is the cycle of life and death and all that is held between; and my goal is to share the wisdom of her Womb of Light that all may claim their Divine birthright.
The Divine Flows Through Me
My Gods and Goddesses flow through me
Strong and powerful rising up in me
I offer my devotion and my love.
My mind is open to receive
The wisdom and guidance of Divine grace.
My body is the Temple that offers
Its gifts in service to the Greater Work.
My Gods and Goddesses flow through me
They are with me always and
Shine brightly for all to see.
They are the Fire of my Will....
Kali’s Rites (1.)
Blood spills freely from a wild fierceness
That knows no mercy or gentle hand.
I am not a timid and delicate Maiden
I am one who will claim your love
And take what I wish in satisfaction.
I am not the loving and gentle Mother
I am one who will birth you and then
Feast on the remains of what is not viable.
I am not the wizened and strong Crone
I am wisdom itself and fear is birthed
In the knowing of my mysteries.
I will cut and reshape and spare nothing
That does not serve your completeness.
You may fear and loathe me but know that
In that fear is the secret of your justifiable
Rage and your power as a merciful Warrior.
They are the Moving Waters Within...
Where do I seek your solace?
Where will I find my vision?
What flows silently rising at your call?
What feeds my intention?
What makes me feel?
Where is the healing of my pain?
The waters rise pulling me into
Currents that move with purpose.
The waters expand and fill every
Cell of my being with light and healing.
The waters emanate from an endless
Waterfall of Divine love and my fears
And doubts are swept out to the seas
Of eternities Divine gates.
They are the Structure that is Body and Form..
This gift of form and shape was created
In the primordial waters of sacred intent.
Flesh and bone
Blood and vein
Muscle and cartilage
Strength and power
Beauty and grace.
A smile brought into energy's light
An embrace soothing the Divine work
A birthing that calls forth new life
A loving that entwines the beloveds
A gesture
A word
A body
Moving in ecstatic energy
As the Divine descends
And learns the mystery of
Its blessing of corporeal form.
They are Mind's Creative Breath..
I write
I create
Pen to paper
Hand to keyboard.
My Gods and Goddesses speak
Through the words crafted
Of their own intent.
OI open and allow the down pouring
Of what flows strongly waiting its
Divine expression in creative release.
I think and images flood the landscape
Of an artist that is unseen yet palpable
And sacred in ITs visioning.
I speak the words that are powerful
In their truth as mouth and throat
Are offered in service to the Divine.
I breathe and life fills me
I exhale and the Divine fills the void
I inhale and I am illuminated
I breathe and I AM at peace.
This is how I express my devotion to the Divine. These are my offerings to them. This is my daily interaction that is a continuous drinking of the bounty of their gifts. This is my expression of living a Divinely connected life 24/7-365 days a year. And, because of this intention I am richly blessed by the people in my life, the community I serve and the work I am able to do!
1. Excerpted from Sleeping with the Goddess: Nights of Devotion
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