A Divine Womb of Light: The Alchemy of the Goddess
A Divine Womb of Light is an exploration of the Sacred Feminine and the application of Her transformative energies. These writings will have the intent and focus of inspiring and quickening within the individual a thirst for deeper connection and opening to the magick and gnosis of the Goddess in all of Her forms. She is the Mother, the Uraeus, the Muse, the Warrior, and the Healer, to name a few. SHE is the cycle of life and death and all that is held between; and my goal is to share the wisdom of her Womb of Light that all may claim their Divine birthright.
Goddess Grove: A 3-Part Journey
This pathworking is an excerpt from my book, Sleeping with the Goddess. It has been constructed in three parts and can be used over three nights with an opportunity o journal between. You can also use it as a single session sitting.
This is a journey to a Grove of the Ancestors and the communing with them seeking their wisdom and knowledge.
Goddess Grove: Night One
Sitting or lying comfortably, allow your breath to establish an even and relaxed rhythm. Make note of any tension you may be holding in your body and as you exhale gently breathe that tension out; allowing it to drop around you like beads of water. Allow any thoughts that wish to have your attention to be acknowledged and then gently let go to pass as leaves in a gently flowing stream.
Draw your consciousness up to rest in the space of your third eye and mid-forehead. See in this space a blank inner screen. You are sitting as observer and you take note of a small blue dot of energy that is central within that space.
As you continue to breathe deeply and fully you see that the blue sphere is expanding and coming to fill the entirety of the space in front of you. You can feel the palpable energy of thousands of tiny blue dots comprising this veil of mist and you issue forth the intent of communing with your Ancestors and seeking their wisdom. You take a deep breath in. As you slowly and gently exhale you step through this mist and emerge to find that you are standing in the center of a moonlit forest clearing. You see the silhouette of tall shapely trees just ahead of you and can smell the fragrant burning of wood wafting through the air.
You offer up a call of invocation to those ancestors you wish to help with the opening of your intuitive sight on this journey. Before the last utterance of name and word is issued you see that an opening has appeared between two of the largest trees just ahead. You walk towards the opening in the trees, passing through a gossamer-like veil of multicolored energy. The particles of this veiling are very refined and the sensation is one very much like that of a piece of the softest silk as it is gently drawn across your skin.
As you move forward you now see the flickering of light and the smell of wood burning growing stronger and brighter with each step you take towards this light. You reach the edge of the trees and you see that there is a small clearing centrally located that is surrounded by another circle of smaller trees. There appear to be shadowy forms creating yet another circular shape. As you move closer, you can make out the shapes and forms seated near each of the trees. You know instinctively that these are the ancestors you have called to aid you in your working.
Sleep now my child, carried in the anticipation of tomorrow night’s deeper journey into my grove of wisdom…… Journal your Dreamtime Notes
Goddess Grove: Night Two
Sitting or lying comfortably, allow your breath to establish an even and relaxed rhythm. Make note of any tension you may be holding in your body and as you exhale gently breathe that tension out; allowing it to drop around you like beads of water. Allow any thoughts that wish to have your attention to be acknowledged and then gently let go to pass as leaves in a gently flowing stream.
Draw your consciousness up to rest in the space of your third eye and mid-forehead. See in this space a blank inner screen. You are sitting as observer and you take note of a small blue dot of energy that is central within that space.
As you continue to breathe deeply and fully you see that the blue sphere is expanding and coming to fill the entirety of the space in front of you. You can feel the palpable energy of thousands of tiny blue dots comprising this veil of mist and you issue forth the intent of communing with your Ancestors and seeking their wisdom. You take a deep breath in. As you slowly and gently exhale you step through this mist and emerge to find that you are standing once again at the edge of opening to the circle of trees. You see the shapes and forms of the Ancestors sitting at the edge of this great circle of trees and know that there is much to be revealed in this sacred space.
A fire is crackling and hissing in the center and offers its light to this darkened space. You move towards the fire and see placed just in front of it a large cauldron sitting atop a very large and round tree stump. You move towards the cauldron and see that it has been filled with water that shimmers from the reflection of fire and candlelight.
You look around, hoping to see more clearly the faces of those observing, but they are cloaked in a veiling and you do not yet have the clarity to see. You hesitate for a moment, unsure that you should be in this space and just as you are about to turn to walk away, you feel gentle yet firm hands on your shoulders.
Words fill your mind, not spoken in audible manner but more of a telepathic knowing. You are told that you are welcome in this space and that your Ancestors have been waiting for you to seek their assistance and guidance.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath pulling to the center of your consciousness the question that has long been held in the deep recesses of your awareness. It is important now to your future growth and you are in a safe space and supportive company that it may freely and with its own will rise to the surface.
You hear a gentle voice saying….
Sleep now my child, your time is almost at hand. Dream of questions not spoken and answers yet to be found. I will be at your side in the visioning. But for now, sleep and rest in the velvet of my night…. Journal your Dreamtime Notes…
Goddess Grove: Night Three
Sitting or lying comfortably, allow your breath to establish an even and relaxed rhythm. Make note of any tension you may be holding in your body and as you exhale gently breathe that tension out; allowing it to drop around you like beads of water. Allow any thoughts that wish to have your attention to be acknowledged and then gently let go to pass as leaves in a gently flowing stream.
Draw your consciousness up to rest in the space of your third eye and mid-forehead. See in this space a blank inner screen. You are sitting as observer and you take note of a small blue dot of energy that is central within that space.
As you continue to breathe deeply and fully you see that the blue sphere is expanding and coming to fill the entirety of the space in front of you. You can feel the palpable energy of thousands of tiny blue dots comprising this veil of mist and you issue forth the intent of communing with your Ancestors and seeking their wisdom. You take a deep breath in. As you slowly and gently exhale you step through this mist and emerge finding yourself once again in the moonlit forest and are standing in front of the cauldron. You kneel and stare deeply into its depths. Allow your query to rise to the surface of your consciousness.
Holding firmly to the intent of this query, you take another deep breath in and as you exhale you breathe out and into the waters of the cauldron. A swirling of violet mist briefly surrounds you, the cauldron and the flames; and just as quickly dissipates as images begin to form on the surface of the waters.
You feel excited and energized by what lay before you and breathe deeply to calm and steady your sight. As the images become clearer an inner dialogue begins of question and answer as to the nature of what you are seeing, how it may be applied and the relevance it has for you at this time. Spend some time gazing deeply, listening intently and taking in the sensations that are moving through you.
As the last image and words of explanation fade you feel the energy of what you have experienced rising up and moving through you informing all aspects of your being. It is as though you have drunk an elixir of warm liquid and you feel calm, centered and very much aware of all that is around you.
You look into the cauldron once again and see that the waters are shimmering in reflection of the fire; their deeper mysteries cloaked until the next opening and parting of these veils of sight. You rise to standing and feel more firmly anchored to the earth beneath and fully connected to the sky above. You turn away from the cauldron and look around at all that surrounds you.
One of the Ancestors rises and approaches you. She takes a spark of flame from the hissing fire and holds it before you. She tells you that this is the spark of flame that is held within all living beings and that this flame is what fuels the desire to commune with her and other beings of her kind. It is this flame that opens you to the deeper mysteries you carry within and will warm and light your journey of introspection that is the continuation of what was begun this night.
She bids you take a deep breath in and pushes the glowing flame into the center of your being. There is no discomfort, just a rush of energy and the sense of acceptance and acknowledgment of like attracting like. Everything appears to glow more brightly now and as you look around at each of the faces of the Ancestors you called to witness and guide this working, they come into crystal clarity. Take a moment to acknowledge each and offer up gratitude for their blessings and inspiration.
When you have completed this offering, you take a deep breath in and as you exhale the space around you fades. Each inhalation and exhalation dissipates more of the detail and energy of the space, until you find yourself alone in the darkness.
You feel exhilarated and a quality of lightness and warmth moves through you and you know that this is a space you will revisit again many times in the coming months. The Ancestors will continue to guide and the Goddess will open your sight to their many gifts and sacred blessings.
You close your eyes and return to the space of being observer of the inner screen within your consciousness. You breathe deeply and think for a moment on your experience, recalling the images and words that were offered in answer. The last memories pass through and you sigh deeply into the next breaths.
Each breath brings you back to the physicality of your being and the gentle sensation of dreamscape calls to you back to the Ancestor’s wisdom….
Journal your Dreamtime Notes and hold the wisdom of what you have received in your heart of knowing…
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I've enjoyed your blog. I have a fascination about connecting with ancestors. You explain how to go about it in a clear concise way. I'd like to read more of your book. I'm wondering too. How do you submit a blog to this magazine. Who do I talk to. I just wrote a blog on paganism and want to share it.
http://buildingabrandonline.com/Entrepenuertips615_/what-i-learned…pagan-religion/ is the link. It will tell you my understanding of paganism.