SageWoman Blogs

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What do YOU know about going beyond ego?

Do you think you know all about going beyond ego? Most people I ask think they do, and others don't... one of those quirks of ego ;-)

So let's dive into this and see what's new. 

Let me start with an example of two friends. When they entered a party, one always quickly became the centre of attention and the other ended up alone in a corner. Now of course you know this has something to do with ego. Replace the negative convictions about yourself by positive ones and you will become the one showered by attention.

But does it bring you more fulfillment? People who receive a lot of attention are not happier people.

Going beyond ego is not just replacing negative convictions by positive ones. Then what is it?

The ego’s job is to order all the info coming in, and it does so informed by past experiences. We know that somehow the effect is that it also determines the outcome. To find the opening to enlightenment, let’s look in more detail.

What many people don’t know is that when two persons meet that within seconds a lot of information goes back and forth. Actually that is where the Dance of Life is happening.  But the ego doesn’t notice. We tend to see only the outcome, like becoming the centre of attention or the outcast. Now the ego doesn’t only order all the information coming in,it also determines what you send out, because if the world is full of dangerous lions, you need to be careful, but if the world is full of friendly cats, you can reach out and pet. The vital information is, the interpretation of the ego is gradually born out of a rapid series of signals going back and forth.
It is having the space to notice this interaction whatever the outcome that will deepen the joy in your life. That will make you part of the Dance of Life.
For in this rapid back and forth, we feel the presence of the other, of life, of soul.  We join the dance. That is what is meant by going beyond ego and it opens the door to enlightenment.

However, if your ego is smart, and most egos are, it will see this as a new trick to get more out of life. Noticing the interaction becomes the goal, and the space is lost. You become addicted to the dance. What seemed the doorway becomes the obstruction. And right here, in this paradox, going beyond ego becomes really interesting. For how to deal with this?

I am looking much forward to delve into this and related issues in my upcoming training Going Beyond Ego. I find working on this topic is adding so much colour to my life and really reducing the stressful situations. Every blog I write, every seminar I teach, brings me again to that place beyond ego, the sacred space.

Blessings, Klara



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I offer Sacred Space Online Events and a Priestess Training in Avalon, Egypt, Crete and Netherlands. This is just the beginning of my bio, and I know it’s already so much. I published a book in Netherlands: Living In Bliss, The Path of Initiation in Ancient Goddess Cultures (in Dutch). What intrigues me now is leaving behind old structures and being ever more true to the moment. I live next to the sea with my dog and cat, and love travel and dancing. Read more about me on


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