We’Moon Holy Days: Seasonal Blessings

In each edition of the We’Moon datebook, we feature one Holy Day writer who shares with us her unique perspectives of each of the eight holy days. This year, we have the pleasure of sharing the work of Oak Chezar. Oak is a radical Dyke, performance artist, Women's Studies professor, psychotherapist, writer, & semi-retired barbarian. She lives in a straw bale, womyn-built house. She just published "Trespassing", a memoir about Greenham Common Womyn's Peace Camp. Whilst working & playing towards the decimation of patriarchy & industrial civilization, she carries water. oakchezar@gmail.com

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Beltane Blessings

The Fool

The Fool has followed me home,
in her coat of fresh delight—harlequin.

A cheerful choir of rainbow diamonds,
a thousand buttons close it.
She's sitting on the settee
opposite me, next to the dried sunflowers
that need flicking with a duster, or throwing out,
her happy little dog is grinning by her ankles.
She says: "I was born free,
on a beach, with giant turtles,
it was a very humbling experience." 
I snigger self consciously, I haven't got time for this,
I've got the 'to do' list to do, the bills to pay,
the hamster to take to market.

She winks, 
her eyes are greener than the forest floor in spring,
they turn aqua blue, chocolate, vermillion
she reaches down and opens her first button,
every button hole is a spy hole,
on a land she's danced across,
cliffs of change she's blithely leapt off
lifting up the clouds closer to the sun
with her great gasps of pleasure.
I can only stare,
it's the land of primal fire
when life was just a fish thought
when we were soup
before we got our eyes,
our fingerprints,
our souls,
our longing. 

¤ Debra Hall 2014


Spring Blooms © Catherine Molland 2013 

We reclaim the original meaning of Virgin, a woman who belongs only to herself. We look in the mirror at the center of the wheel and tell ourselves: I am a woman faithful to herself. Call me no name, nor wife, nor mother, call me Innocent-of-Name. This virginity, never lost, is our indelible nature.

Beltane celebrates safe passage through the dark into the exploding passion and fertility of plants and animals. We light our sunfire as the sign of lighting the fire of our sexual power, giving special thanks for that part of our female body with the single function of pleasure. The Charge of the Goddess reminds us: All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Whether savoring solitude as a party of one, trysting with another, or whirling in community round a Maypole, we call forth the memory of the Temple Virgin, conduit to the Great Cosmic Mother. 

As channels, our power to transform the world burgeons. We sing! To the trees, the water, the winds. We sing fierce incantations to heal our Gaia! We dance and love with every fiber of our beings—until we drop like children into Her bountiful lap. 

Susa Silvermarie © Mother Tongue Ink 2018 

Catherine Molland (Santa Fe, NM) is a professional artist and organic farmer. Her recent series Navigating the Unknown tells the story of the hero's journey from the feminine perspective. Women warriors healing the planet through love for all species.
Debra Hall (Castle Douglas, Scotland) I am a soulmaker, natural healer, mindfulness teacher and mentor. I like to be contacted about  my art and soul creations at debra.ha@hotmail.com and one-on-on Skype sessions.
Susa Silvermarie (Ajijic, Mexico) I turned 70 in 2017 and began a new life as an immigrant to Mexico. I blog, I write for several local publications and I run a weekly Write-to-a-prompt circle as well as a Writers Salon. I enjoy volunteering with an art program for Mexican children, and I truly love my life on the shore of Lake Chapala. Seeking local kindred spirits—come on down! 



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