SageWoman Blogs

There is no such thing as just a deck of cards. Each deck has a special energy or story to tell. They have a very distinct purpose and tend to be heavily imprinted with the essence of their creators. This blog will explore both tarot and oracle decks and delve into their story, their purpose and how best you as a reader can utilize the gifts and abilities each deck has to offer.

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The Other Half - Fairy Lights Tarot

It is said that each of us have someone in the world that is just for us, even if we don't want them. Some call them soul mates, some call them twin flames others call them a pain in the ass. Like it or not there is an energy out there that is your matching pair. Lucia Mattioli takes this idea to a whole new level with her deck Fairy Lights Tarot. In this deck each of the cards have a matching pair or another half floating around somewhere in the vortex of the deck. Not only does this fascinate me from a deck creator stand point, but it also totally switches things up from a reading stand point.

Before I bought this deck I knew about this fascinating plot twist within the story of the Fairy Lights Tarot. In essence it was the reason I bought the deck. I had to see it for myself. I wanted to put the pieces together and put them together I did. Although this was harder then I thought it would be, finding all the pairs didn't take me as long as I thought it would. And you can bet your bottom dollar once I did reunite the couples in the deck I took a photo of them. I did this for one reason and one reason only, I wanted a quick reference guide to the matching energy for reading purposes.

One of the things I love about modern tarot is how each deck creator tells the story of the 78 cards. The interpretation and retelling of this one story never gets old to me and every so often someone comes along and turns that story on its head. That is the true magic of this deck, the twist in the traditional story line. These cards were created as pairs, they have a matching energy, separate they only tell one half of the story, together they deliver the true sucker punch.

It's like Lenormand and Tarot had a baby!

Let's take a look at this in action so you can get a better understanding of how you can bring this plot twist into your readings to add another level to outcomes. In the picture that accompanies this post I have 4 pairing examples.

Let's take a look at the first one. The Nine of pentacles / Hanged Man.

Because these cards are one and the same how does it change the meaning of these cards when you read them? Does it mean that the Garden of abundance comes from sacrifice? Or does it show the cause and effect of the same energy? Where some have plenty others go without.

How about the Pairing of the two knights, could we say that the romantic nature of the knight of cups is always in conflict with the need to be more concerned with the material nature of the physical experience? Dreams and Reality do tend to be at odds for most people, in fact reality tends to be the sticking point or excuse to abandon ones dreams.

If we look at the cards as either points of resistance or enhancers of each others energy this can assist us tremendously when doing a reading, especially if the answer is not overly clear from the cards that we have pulled. In this deck all you need to do is bring out the other half and change the way you read the story.

I know I have only scratched the surface with this deck, but I do hope that this will review will be enough to peak your interest in this one of kind deck.

I am smitten with this brain twisting deck and give it a 5 star rating.

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Leeza Robertson is the most nonspiritual spiritual person you will ever meet. Her resistance to the New Age way of life set her on spiritual quest like no other. This began in 2006 when Leeza was first introduced to the concept of power animals. Then in 2008 she had her very first encounter with the fae world, which lead to her numerous radio interviews on shows like the very popular Tarot Talk. In 2009 Leeza lost her site due to a sinus infection. In this 3mth blindness she started seeing tarot spreads and cards along with images of the people the readings where for. In 2011 Leeza made a conscious choice to take her relationship with tarot to a much deeper level and that is when she began writing about tarot, the cards and teaching others the many mysteries of the ever unfolding path that is tarot. Today she is a member of the American Tarot Association and runs a monthly study group called Tarot and Tea. In 2013 Leeza was approached by Llewellyn World Wide to produce her very first Tarot deck, The Awakened Animal Tarot. Through the creation of this deck Leeza has forged an even stronger bond with the cards, their energy and the deeper aspects of their archetypal teachings.


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