SageWoman Blogs
What is life like when you have direct experience with the Goddess? How does your life change when you are contacted by Isis or Freyja or Artemis? Goddess Encounters explores the world through a mystic's eyes.
Samhain Meditation
Today I remember who I am, and who my ancestors were. I stand at the crossroads and reflect on the past spiritual year. Have I been Witch enough? No, there is always room for improvements. Have I faced darkness and survived? Yes, and I most likely will again. I am indestructible. Have I gained allies and made commitments to my Gods? Yes, I seek to deepen our relationships. Having Virgo on my midheaven spurs me to always strive. I am Witch, I am pledged to the Gods and am blessed to feel Their Presence. I am the living incarnation of my great-grandmother's blood, of my grandmother's blood, of my mother's blood. I am Witch, who brings light upon the world. I am Witch, who seeks to understand and integrate the shadow. I am Witch, I am Witch, I am Witch.
Blessed Samhain, all, and a Happy Halloween! Hail Isis!
Photo © 2013 Kalyca Schultz.
Photo of Kalyca for blog by Tolley Photo.
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