The New Moon occurs in its own sign – Cancer - at 1:08 am (PDT) on Friday June 27.  Cancer is the archetype of the Great Mother, and shelters within its embrace comfort, sustenance, security, family, empathy, and tradition.  Cancer energy prompts us to explore our roots, unearthing cues and clues to our own emotional nature and psychic foundation.  Where do we come from? What is our inheritance from our family, the lost homeland, the tribe?  The closest aspect to this New Moon is an ethereal Trine to mystical Neptune in Pisces at 4:53 am.  Here we have both the Moon in its own sign, and Neptune in its own sign, underlining the intuitive, romantic, and yes, otherworldly pull of the subjective.  This is a wildly potent and fertile combination of energies; a deep meeting of body, spirit and extra sensory perception.  Whether you are a writer, artist, lover, or magic-maker, this is the current you want to dive into to bathe in divine inspiration.

Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign, meaning that it is a sign that begins a season, and resonates with the emotionally receptive element of Water.  Cancer is the only sign associated with the Moon.  It is changeable, and like the tides, moves in and out of waxing and waning cycles from receptivity and emotional fullness to introspective retreat.  Cancer is a sign of intuition, empathy, and inner knowing. It resonates with ancestral memory, shifting internal currents, and the unfathomable depths of the psyche.  When Cancer is out of balance or acting from its shadow, it can become entangled in subtle emotional undercurrents, arising in deep melancholic un-nameable longings, strange compulsions and inward vision, which has come to be known as infamous Cancerian “moodiness”.

Ask a Cancer why they’re feeling pensive, and you’re likely to get a vague answer, “I don’t know, I just feel weird”.  It’s true that they may be ruminating about some actual worry or event, but it’s just as likely that they really don’t know.  Part of this is that they are ruled by the fluctuating phases of the Moon, but another reason for Cancer’s infamous “crabbiness” is that more than any other sign (except perhaps Pisces) is that they are tuned in to the crosscurrents of ancestral memory, that can come upon them without warning, dragging them into the murky depths of not only their own psyches, but also enveloping them in unfocused memories of generations past.  What is a Cancerian to do? As any surfer will attest, in order to survive a riptide, remain calm, find your footing, and don’t fight it. 

 Once we become aware of the threads of connection that we can follow like a lifeline to those who have gone before us, there is infinite healing to be found in the   intergenerational bonds and memories that are part of that lineage of ancestral wisdom. We can tap into the guidance of helpful ancestors, and get glimpses into the origins of our own unfounded fears, patterns and drives. 

Guiding Goddess Archetypes

Perhaps more than any other sign, Cancer resonates with the divine feminine, and is connected to Goddess archetypes associated with the Mother, the Moon, and the ocean.  This is the perfect time to work with Danu, Demeter, Isis, or Kwan Yin.  These are only a few of many goddesses that you may be drawn to at this time.

New Moon in Cancer Affirmations

  •  Every choice I make feeds and nourishes me deeply: body, mind and soul
  • I can draw on the infinite wisdom and experience of those who came before me at any time I have need
  • I trust that I am emotionally supported, and deeply loved
  • I am a creatively fertile being
  • My home is a safe haven of my own creation
  • I enjoy reciprocal deep connections with all of my loved ones

Ritual: The Cupboard of the Grandmothers

The archetype of Cancer is deeply intertwined with nurture and sustenance, and cooking is one of the oldest and most practical forms of magic. In fact, every nuance of the food we eat is connected to the Mysteries and the Wheel of the Year. Cooking is alchemy in the truest sense of the word. All of the elements are invoked: water, air, earth and fire all combine to transform the body of our Mother into the food that gives us life.  What could be more magical than earth, sunlight, rain and air turning into an apple? 

  • Reflect for a moment on where your own personal or tribal ancestors come from. Whether your roots are Jewish, Japanese, German or Aboriginal there will be foods and recipes that the grandmothers have passed down. Find a food or a recipe you want to prepare. Reflect on the Mystery that you are the current link in the chain.  Even if the chain seems like it has been broken, you can forge a new link of sustaining revivifying connection with the ancestors. 
  • Go to a farmer’s market and obtain some fresh organically grown ingredients.  And, even better, if you grow anything yourself  - even kitchen window herbs  - use these in your New Moon supper.
  • This supper is a concoction of intent.  Be mindful of what seeds you are sowing while you are selecting your ingredients, cleaning, cutting, chopping, stirring etc. Every "mundane" act is part of the spell, and will bring you deeper into a light trance state.
  • Imagine your own grandmothers cooking this same dish.  Try and really feel what they may have been thinking or feeling.  Ask for a message.  Listen closely; it may be just a word, or it could be an image.  Don't judge or question what comes. Take it and ponder. What is being imparted to you?
  • Serve the food, and talk and reflect with your family, friends, family of choice, or yourself about what it means to be the current living link in the chain. One day we will all be the ancestors.  What new traditions do you want to implement? What spice you will add to the dish?