SageWoman Blogs

The New Moon is a time for initiating and planting seeds in our lives; it is a symbolic time of personal rebirth. Metaphorically, it is the time of the Maiden, the new, fresh outgoing energy of the Triple Goddess. It's the optimum time to birth new intentions, set plans in motion, and state new goals. While the Moon is still dark (not visible) our seedling intentions can be nurtured and their roots can be strengthened. This blog will address the New Moon each month from an Astrological perspective, and how you can co-create with the natural rhythms to manifest your highest intent. Each Moon will correspond to a Guiding Goddess Archetype that resonates with the current astrological energies.

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New Moon in Aquarius: Be True to Your Vision, and Never Mind the Haters

The New Moon this month occurs in the sign of Aquarius (0 degrees) on Tuesday, January 20th, at 5:14 am (PST).  Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign, meaning that it is a sign that embodies the heart of the season, in this case winter, in the Northern hemisphere.  It also resonates with the objective and intellectual element of Air.  Aquarius is the Visionary, The Wild Card, the Genius, the Rebel and the Revolutionary.  Uranus rules this Air sign, and is known as the Great Awakener.  Uranus also rules electricity, and lightening flashes of intuition and moments of revelation characterize the often times brilliant Aquarian psyche. 

Dare to step outside your comfort zone.  Push the boundaries, and show up exactly as you intend to.  Be true to your vision, to your own Self.  You may ruffle some feathers, and you may have some haters as you push forward on your path, but as long as you are walking in integrity, be true to thine own self is the mantra to be chanting right now.  Often times, when we are bold enough to challenge the status quo by following our dreams, or our unique vision for the future, we will encounter resistance.  Aquarius teaches us to walk alone if we must, and in doing so, we will eventually find ourselves surrounded by our true tribe, like minded souls who were only waiting for you to take the lead, and manifest a new destiny, paradigm, or idea whose time has come. 

Every New Moon is Unique

Although a New Moon generally occurs in each sign during the year, this year we have not one, but two New Moons in Aquarius!  The second occurs on February 18th in the very last degree of the sign.  The first, occurs at the very first degree of the sign.  There is something about this book-ended time (when incidentally Mercury will also be retrograde in Aquarius) that truly underlines the Aquarian theme, and invites us to reflect on how we need to use this energy in our lives this year.  Look to your chart, to see what house(s) contain 0 to 29 degrees Aquarius, this is the area of life you will want to be planting the seeds of intent.  This is also the very first New Moon of 2015, and a kind of Supermoon at that (this Moon is perigee, or closest to the earth).This particular New Moon makes aspect to Saturn, so it truly is a time to “feel the fear and do it anyway”.  0 degrees of a sign is a time of becoming; that brave new sentry that has made it over the threshold from one sign to the next, and stands trembling, yet poised to dive into new experience.  Seize the inherent magic in this New Moon, and respect the unique contribution you came here to make!

Guiding Goddess Archetypes

Although there are several goddess archetypes across the world pantheons that resonate with Aquarius, the Irish-Celtic goddess Brighid, or Bride comes up for me as I write this.  The ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc (February 2nd) is nearly upon us, as once again the wheel turns inexorably towards the light half of the year.  Imbolc is an ancient Irish word that translates roughly to "ewe's milk", and signalled the beginning of spring and the much anticipated event of the new lambing season; the rebirth of nature and the waxing light.

Call on Brighid for inspiration, as she is the patroness of poets an artisans of all kinds.  Brighid is also known for her compassion for those less fortunate, which brings to mind the humanitarian aspect of Aquarius.  In fact, she was so beloved by the Irish people that when Christianity took over the old ways, she was thinly disguised as "Saint Brigit” and her veneration continues to this day at her monastery in Kildare, Ireland, where nuns tend her sacred flame.  Pilgrims from all over the world still come here and make their offerings and prayers at her sacred well.  

New Moon in Aquarius Affirmations

  • I now claim my right to be exactly as I envision myself - I release the need to care about what anyone else thinks about me or my choices
  • If I follow my true path, I will find my Tribe
  • I may feel afraid, but will not allow that fear to stop me!
  • I honor and respect my deep and true vision
  • I reach out and connect with my community, trusting that we will find and support each other
  • I am open and ready for something new!  Bring on the surprises! I trust that whatever happens will open me to deepened connection with the universe



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Danielle is the Astrology columnist for SageWoman magazine and Banyen Books and Sound. She has studied Astrology for over 27 years, and has professional certification in Psychological Astrology. She works in private practice as an consulting Astrologer and Intuitive Holistic Counselor. Danielle holds a degree in Women's Studies, and is currently completing a second degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Counseling Psychology. She is a passionate scholar of the works of Carl Jung, mythology, and archetypal psychology, and works best with individuals who are on a psycho-spiritual growth path. Her essay Dancing in the Temple of the Queen of Heaven, was recently published in the anthology, A Mantle of Stars. Contact Danielle to book your next reading at


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