My Mother Path
My path through discovering myself as a mother, teacher and self.
The Pulling of the Runes
I had mentioned in my last blog post that would be pulling one rune a week to learn more about them. My first rune was Perthro, Peorth. A rune of mystery and change. Which was the perfect rune to begin with, I was starting out learning and studying the mysteries of these runes. It was a beginning for me, a beginning full of mystery.
As I learned when I pulled my second rune, Ingwaz, Ing, they were telling me something about my life now. As I have been spending so much time in training for my job, and spending weeks alone in a small apartment away from my family, they were telling me, reinforcing in a way, that this was the perfect path that I should be on. As I am evolving in my job position, I am constantly questioning if I am on the correct path. These runes have been telling me that I am. That over this time from the first of the year, that all the questioning, second guessing, and just plain beating myself up for simply not knowing, was a growth to a better, more confident person.
I had to change if I wanted to continue with my current position. All that I was trained to do up to that point was for a different position, a different way of life. Once gaining a new position, one of instruction rather than doing, I was set off balance. Not to mention that I was thrown directly into my new position without getting the proper training that I needed to complete this transition. I started to feel as though I was spiraling in a direction that only would cause me to lose my job and go back to the old office me. Not that I didn’t make good money or have good jobs, I had just been hoping for a break, an opportunity to do something better for my family than what I already was doing. I was tired of struggling, yet there was part of me that was apprehensive of change.
I was offered 12 weeks to shadow, teach and train at the main campus. This would mean 12 weeks away from my family. I had never been away from them save for when I was in the hospital delivering them. I was always the constant, always there, I was the mom. The other fearful part, if I did not do everything they wanted me to do, make the changes that they needed me to make, I would not have my job at the end of the 12 weeks. They would have someone shadow me to assure the administration that I was making these changes. One wrong word was all it would take. I was afraid, what if that person didn’t like me, what if our personalities didn’t match? Heck, there’s no pressure here.
The week before I started to pull the runes, I was still questioning myself, beating myself up for so much that I didn’t know. No one told me, no one guided me. I felt as though I was cheated and thrown to the wolves. The day before I decided to start pulling and studying runes, I was told that I was doing a good job. I was hesitant to be elated – I’ve had the rug pulled out from under me before. Trust is a hard factor in my life. I have trusted many only to have that trust broken.
When I pulled Perthro, I didn’t fully understand what it was trying to tell me. As I meditated through the week, I realized that it was summing up my time up to this point. A time that started out with mystery of the unknown, a guessing game of my life as I moved forward. I left everything to fate, believing that that tricky little sprite would not fail me. So far, as I had realized, she hadn’t.
Then, once understanding this, I kept Perthro out of my bag and asked it to guide my hand to the next rune. I pulled Ingwaz. This was my seed, the spark that I needed to move forward with trust. Once I opened myself to this, I noticed that I had more and more confirmations at work that I was on the right path, doing what I needed to do to grow and become a better employee. I know that my life should not be so concerned with how good of an employee I am, but quite frankly, without a job we have not income. I don’t think that in this economic time, I can risk that.
But it not only did it help me see the confirmation that I needed, it showed me that within all that I am doing, I have a treasure to discover as well. A treasure that shows me that I can be a stronger person, that I can let my intelligence show (I was told once not to show too many people how much I knew or I will be coerced into doing more work outside of my job title), and able to show some of my true personality – you know, relax a bit and enjoy the journey, laugh, learn, experience. Let some of my guard down and not be so reserved.
Tonight is the dark moon, I will pull my next rune tonight. I wonder what they will tell me. I will share in a couple weeks.
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