My Mother Path
My path through discovering myself as a mother, teacher and self.
Menopausal Momma
I've been considering changing the name of my blog to "Menopausal Momma". I'll be 51 this year and menopause has hit me hard. Well, I guess for the most part, it's not too bad. As well, I haven't had to take any medicine for the symptoms, and only stick with supplements and diet. (pretty proud of myself)
The hot flashes are somewhat nice as I'm generally always cold. But they wake me up in the middle of the night and I then stroll into the bathroom, feeling my way through the darkness praying not to fall or wake anyone else up. I am not the most graceful, and it is very dark here at night. I also wear contacts and dislike my glasses with a mild passion. The bathroom is out the bedroom door, down the hallway a bit and I often pray that the dog isn't sprawled out in the hallway (black dog in the dark is never easy). The bathroom is cool, the tile on my feet helps to cool my flash.
Then I go back into the bed with the heater of a husband and only cover up with the sheet until the flash fully dissipates and I begin to freeze again.
Two years ago I started crochetting a blanket with heavy weight yarn. An undisclosed amount of money put into this blanket (each skein was $2.95 and one skein completed about 2.5 rows and this covers a queen sized mattress....shhhh) it is nicely weighted and warm. For a person who couldn't survive the winter sleeping under nothing less than a sheet, comforter, two blankets then at minimum one more thick blanket folded in half on top of only me as by that point I was giving my poor husband heat stroke, I love this blanket. I only need the sheet, the blanket and a medium weight comforter.
But now, it's too hot, then it's too cold, then it's too hot (you get the picture).
Today I posted on my Facebook page pictures of the morning snow, then nearly 8 hours later, the sun was out and the snow was gone, now, as I'm typing this, the snow is once again falling. Yesterday, there was a beautiful sunrise with peaches, burnt oranges and yellows gracing the sky. The temperature was pleasant and the smell of sping was starting to float on the air. Under today's pictures, I simply stated that Mother Nature is menopausal.
I find comfort in the weather today as it fully encompasses my inner self. I welcomed the snow as I welcome the cold my body feels after a flash. I welcome the sun and the warmth as I welcome the flash for the warmth that it gives me in this cold weathered time of year.
It also reminds me of what a blessing it is to be able to be at this point in my life, as over the weekend I realized that I was officially older than my father (who passed at age 50 in 1993). He was my rock, my ally, the one person who understood me. I'm thankful to have this husband of mine as he is so much like my father and gives me the freedom to be who I really am out side of this Cancerian shell.
I have been pulling out old binders and notebooks full of all the courses I had taken on the Metaphysical arts, dusting off the cobwebs and taking full hold of my besom. I have been working with a local Arts Council and have acquired a small space in their gallery (I was actually looking for a place to rent, but they asked if I would accept a "vendor" spot until I see how this venture works) where I will have a closet area (has three large windows and a beautiful antique chandelier) for my "healing arts center". As well, they have cleared a place that I can hold my bellydance classes and classes on crystals, herbs and such!
There's still some life and ambition left in this crone. I'm thankful to be at this point in my life and look forward to sharing my knowledge.
Many blessings!
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Girlfriend, I'm 77 and thriving, and I know hot flashes are annoying. But please buy some of those stick-on battery lights for your night time walking around. I also use battery candles to mark my path to the bathroom, some on timers so they self light at dusk. Hot flashes are a major drag but a fall could be devastating.