My Mother Path
My path through discovering myself as a mother, teacher and self.
Many Blessings - turn of the wheel
So the wheel turns to another season. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to the snow and cold.
But Now that I'm in my own shop and I see the positive responses, and I have a store front window that I can display and paint and decorate, there is a bit of an underlying excitement.
It's been one month I've been open. One month that I've been peeling away the layers of "protection" that I had encased myself in in order to blend in with the community around me.
I had promised myself one year. One year to work on my own business, one year to work on my authentic self.
It's hard and feels raw to put myself "out" there. And this came to the surface for me a couple weeks back when I was invited to talk at a gathering for Halloween. A local curiosity shop had asked me to give a talk on what it was like to be a medium/empath. It's one thing to talk to a couple people in a private conversation, but when he said that he was expecting nearly 50 people at this event, my stomach did a flip.
I had a couple friends who were also going to work at that even by doing card readings and Reiki, and then they told me that I would also get to do readings...again, my stomach tightened. I wasn't sure if I was completely ready to be "known".
The night came for the event and I was a nervous wreck. This meant that the shields that I generally have in place, I will need to pull down a bit in order to do the readings. My friends reassured me that I would be just fine. I love their confidence.
When I started talking I wasn't exactly sure how much to say. but soon the audience asked a couple questions, like "do you always feel emotions?" and "do you ever find peace and quiet?". This interaction made it easier for me to talk.
Later while talking to the shop owner, he advised that several people commented on how personable I seemed and that they enjoyed my genuineness. This made my heart smile and gave me confidence to open up a bit more and peel away another layer.
I'm finding peace within myself. It's been years since I've felt this way. I have been pulling out my old course books and refreshing my knowledge, brushing off the cobwebs and actually utilizing my knowledge. I feel at home now.
As the wheel turns, I learn to embrace the seasons and the instinct of what lies deep within me. As we turn to the colder months, I will have time to study and prepare for more growth.
Many blessings
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