Ecstacy heals and connects, and can be part of every day. As you allow connection, energy is raised, enabling you to shoot to the stars. Start with whatever connection you are in now and here. Leave aside judgements and fears. Experience the magic that happens when you start fully allowing everything you sense, and everything the other senses. You do sense what the other senses. Be daring enough to become aware of that. Ecstacy follows.

Ecstacy is are birth right. Too often we forego this healing experience that realigns our cells with what is real. We stay trapped in judgements, ideas, preferences, and all other sort of stuff. There's a wilder life waiting. One very beautiful connection that's always there, is your connection with Gaia. Mother Earth. And yes, it has this full power to bring you into ecstacy, and that will flow over to your other relationships.

Find a short daily meditation to help you not forget. Remember, you are fully worth it.