Her Sacred Roar: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth
With the world in crisis, with women disempowered and disenfranchised around the globe, including here in the United States, it is more vital than ever to find our own "sacred roar" and rebirth Her onto the world stage as deity, archetype and ideal. With our pink-handled machetes we blaze a trail forward toward a new normal!
Lovely Lilly the Magickal Cat
I want to introduce you to my lovely Lilly, named after Lilith, our archetype of independence and women's empowerment. Lilly came to my husband, Roy, and I as if by magic. We were at the vet, picking up the ashes of our beloved Xena, who had only a few weeks before crossed over into the arms of Mothers Bast and Sekhmet. Sitting in the unusually empty lobby of the vet's office, this kitty suddenly poked her head up over the counter and looked at me, then Roy, then me, again. I could feel her asking "Don't you recognize me?" It was truly remarkable because, a tri-colored torty, she looked just like Xena's sister - Isis - who had passed away months before. Yes, we lost both our beloved daughters within 6 months, after sharing 20 wonderful years. We truly felt as if Xena had facilitated this meeting between Lilly, Roy and I from the Other Side.
Our lovely Lilly had a rough start. She had been very sick and left for dead on the vet's doorstep. Every time she took a breath, she wheezed and sounded like an old man snoring. Fortunately, the wonderful people at Centinela Animal Clinic in Inglewood, CA did not let her slip away. They nursed her back to health until she could be fostered and with that beautiful and familiar face, how could we say no? And who's to say she wasn't Isis coming back to us? Lilly is almost a year old now. She's happy, healthy and fills our home with laughter and love.
It's truly remarkable when one realizes what happiness and wisdom these lovely creatures can inspire in one's life. During Xena's life she taught me patience and how to nurture. In her passing, through a dream the night after she passed over, Xena helped me reconcile issues of disappointment in my complicated relationship with my Mother and she taught me to understand in a very visceral way, if people never experience love, that lack can cause them to do ugly things. This awareness sparked feelings of forgiveness I had not been able to muster until this experience. Xena, our little warrior princess, was a great teacher and beloved companion.
* This was excerpted from my brand new newsletter, Dancing At The Edges with Karen Tate, where I confide in you what's been sparking the old gray matter and keeping me up at night! I wrote Dancing at the Edges to talk about the things that get us through. Difficult things, inspiration, magic, alternative herstory, wisdom and much food for thought. Sometimes I discuss having to make choices in life... to walk away, choosing not to conform, to be oneself sometimes even if it means being uncomfortable. It's about leaving behind the toxic or ordinary...what some call normal or accepted... to trail blaze toward better things. It's about having courage and taking joy (dancing) in being "outside" the regular or provincial. I'll share articles, videos, podcasts, sacred space - what I think is interesting or important! I'll throw in some inspiration, wisdom, a book sale or review on occasion, too. I hope you might give Dancing at the Edges a try.... so check it out and subscribe by going here....
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