SageWoman Blogs

“And thou who thinketh to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning
shall avail thee not, unless thou knoweth the mystery; that if that
which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never
find it without thee.For behold, I have been with thee from the
beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire." - The Charge of the Goddess-

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God Days of Summer


Here we are, just past the midpoint between Litha and Mabon. The sun, while not at its zenith, is still high in the sky and hot upon the land. Early crops are being harvested while even more bounty makes ready to soon laden our tables and altars with sustenance and gifts, and fill our pantries with stores for the dark half of the year.

The Great Marriage takes place at Beltane, but for me, the Goddess and God are never more fully one than now. This is the high point of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The energy of Sun permeates the air and penetrates the earth. Settled into the union, Goddess is nurturing life in her womb and her pregnancy is showing—reflected in the profuse manifestation of green growth; plants, fruits, vegetables and flowers. While all of this is going on, God is veritably glowing with radiant light. I call this time the Great Honeymoon, a time of satisfaction and celebration.

The energy of this season vibrates with big love. The Divine Couple exude the unrestrained joy that comes with a sense of fulfillment and completeness in the moment. They project investment and hope in the future. They promise that life will go on, the wheel will continue to turn.

The muse came to me in an unusual manifestation this time, not as Goddess alone, but in blissful union with God. A waxing moon intersects the sun, Goddess energy spiraling into His orb. His fiery sunlight enflames the otherwise soft glow of Her moon.

Together, God and Goddess reign over the late summer and early harvests, showering us with Divine love. Take some time during these last days of summer to slow down, enjoy the moments and honor the energy of Divine love.

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JudithAnn (aka the MAD Goddess) practices the  Old Craft tradition and magical arts of hearth and home.  Through  her writing and art, she encourages women in mid-life and beyond to  embrace their wildest dreams and live the second half of life with  purpose, passion and pizzazz. For those who need a little nudge, she  offers workshops in personal development and life path guidance  using journaling and art for creative self expression.


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