Danu's Cauldron: Wisewoman's Ways, and Wild Fey Magic

Living in a sacred landscape, walking between the worlds in the veil of Avalon Glastonbury. Where the old gods roam the hills, and the sidhe dance beneath the moon...wander into the mists with me and let us see what we may find...

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Bee magic

This time of year, the earth is full of abundance, and the wild witches garden is full of butterflies and bees- a haven for nature and our spirit and animal allies. The bee in particular has long been the friend of witches and seers in the Celtic traditions as well as further afield.  

Bees have long been considered magical beings, sacred to the a host of earth goddesses. In ancient Greece the priestesses of Artemis and Demeter were called Melissas, and in English folklore there is a tradition of 'telling the bees' all the news of your family, as well as your hopes and fears as they serve as powerful spirit allies. 

Honey is also a wonderful offering to the faeries and other nature spirits as well as being an excellent preservative in many herbal remedies, such as in making elderberry and honey elixir to stave off coughs and colds. Honey ritually gathered with the bees permission, is a powerful magical substance in its own right. 

Three bees in a bag charm.

This ancient charm for household blessing and protection calls upon the magic of the bees and their connection to the goddess as well as their magical association with the sun, to draw in positive energies in to your home. Once upon a time three dead bees were used, but bees are precious, and many species of bee is now endangered and should never be killed. However, if you should find a dead one that is fine, or it is possible to buy metal or ceramic bees from bead and jewellery craft suppliers. Another option is to gather pictures of bees or make small bees out of rolled pieces of clay or fimo.       

Gather three bees, or bee pendants etc and place them in a pretty gold coloured pouch. As you place them in the bag, thank them and ask them to bless you and your home either by using your own words or saying the following.

"Pretty bee busy bee, please bring your magic to my home. Make my/ our  life here honey sweet and full of sunshine. Keep us safe and prosperous. Pretty bee, busy bee I thank you and blessed bee."   

Hang you pouch up somewhere sunny in your home, and remember to always treat them with respect and care, telling them about your life from time to time, and thanking them for their help. *

Bee protection 

Do what you can to help the bees, by growing bee friendly plants such as hawthorn, honeysuckle, apple, foxglove and lavender, as well as crocus, marjoram, rosemary and sage, comfrey yarrow and forget-me-not. Avoid pesticides at all costs, and try to garden organically and support organic farmers by buying organic produce. Learn more about what you can do for the bees at https://friendsoftheearth.uk/bees

* bees in a bag charm excerpt from the Lughnasadh section of my book  'The Magical Year' (Watkins 20016)




for courses, consultations and books go to www.danuforest.co.uk




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Danu Forest is a wisewoman in the Celtic Bean Feasa tradition of her Irish ancestors. You could call her many things- witch, seer, walker between the worlds, healer, druid, priestess, teacher, writer, gardener, herbwife, stargazer, faery friend, tree planter, poet, and wild woman. Danu lives in a cottage near Glastonbury Tor in the midst of the Avalon lakes, in the southwest of England. Exploring the Celtic mysteries for over 25 years, and noted for her quality research, practical experience, as well as her deep love of the land, Danu writes for numerous national and international magazines and is the author of several books including Wild Magic, The Druid Shaman, Celtic Tree Magic, Gwyn ap Nudd and The Magical Year'. She teaches regular workshops and online courses and is available for consultations, including healings readings and other ceremonies.


  • Maja
    Maja Wednesday, 15 August 2018


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