A Faerie Haven: Living in Myth, Being Magic

For some people, magic isn't something they do, it is what they are. This blog focuses less on theory and more on lyrical mysticism, applied spellcrafting, experiential awareness of Divinity, and related topics. A haven for you who long to become your myth and live your poem. Faerie tales do come true.

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Magical Mastery—The World Tarot Card

 There are many ways to approach magic—when I look with my Faerie sight, I see that the very fiber of our universe is possibilities and power. 

One style of spell-casting is to choose a certain possibility or flow—for example, abundance or love—then leave oneself open to it. This is often how I do my magic. I believe it's a very sophisticated, advanced working.
Before I further describe this style, which is one of my favorite magical approaches, I should affirm it may not be the right type of spell-working for you. I am sharing what works for me. A primary principle of Faerie shamanism is that we each find what works for us. What is perfect for me may be disastrous—or at least ineffective—for you. And vice versa.
Part of my commitment as a shamanic teacher is to help a person find their own special magic. Sometimes, explaining mine helps with that, as long as it is taken as a sharing, not as a dictum. And with that:
When a beginner, I was more likely to shape the world or, argh, even force things. Not that shaping the world is always wrong. Nor is force always inappropriate. But, now, I know the world exists perfectly, at least on some level.
Yes I'm part of this perfection, thus my desire to create and thereby shape reality is often important to follow through on. 
There is—paradoxically—the world's perfection on one hand and, on the other, an enormous amount of injustice that we need to battle. We all can help the Gods make the changes happen.
In addition, the cosmos is still evolving, and some of us feel called to help evolve it—by adorning or otherwise shifting the universe. So there is more than one reason that our desire to shift reality is wonderful.
Also, paradoxically, the more I mature, the more I honor my right to a world of my liking. So my desires to shape the world and to force things are not just part of my youthful explorations. 
However, a lot more of the time nowadays, it is myself that I need to change so that I can align myself with the flow of abundance, beauty, and peace that already exists. And—another paradox—that can make existence as a whole shift for the greater good and into more beauty, without my even trying.
I want to affirm that trust is pivotal in this type of magic. It is an undertaking requiring immense trust, surrender, and humility. 
The World Tarot Card symbolizes triumph in an endeavor as well as the ultimate destination of the spiritual journey. The card also represents a person who has attained mastery by such utter surrender to all things and such a letting go of control that the person, in turn, controls all. Another paradox! The style of magic I have described embodies the World card. Can it be embodied perfectly? Far from it! But can it be embodied well enough to create magical miracles? Yes, yes, yes.
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Francesca De Grandis aka Outlaw Bunny is the bestselling author of "Be a Goddess!" Founder of The Third Road, a Faerie Shamanism tradition that she teaches through both text and oral tradition, De Grandis says, "I'm a trickster working for benevolent chaos Gods, so I don't play mean tricks." Bard, painter, mystical innovator, and busy elf who works part-time for Santa Claus, she blogs here and on her own sites, www.stardrenched.com and www.outlawbunny.com


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