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PaganNewsBeagle October 13
Howdy and Good Monday, Beagle fans! Today we have an Airy Monday featuring stories for looking up (astronomy) and looking into the past (archaeology.) First, in space: check out the upcoming Solar Eclipse; photos from an astronaut orbiting Earth; the supercluster Laniakea. Next, in the past: discovery of a shrine to Brigitana in England; the tomb of the father of Alexander the Great; and the great Sex and Death mystery rituals of the past.
Spectators in Western North America will be in a great position to observe the upcoming partial Solar Eclipse, reports Sky and Telescope magazine.
Astronaut Chris Hadfield's stunning photographs from space offer amazing perspectives on life on Earth.
This Nature Video (viewable on YouTube) reveals how scientists discovered (and named) part of our cosmic address: the supercluster Laniakea.
A new discovery has been announced of a 2nd century shrine in England to the the northern tribal goddess Brigantia.
Ancient Origins has the story of the discovery of the magnificent tomb of Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great.
This article describes the ancient mystery rites of Sex and Death that were widespread in the classical world.
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