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PaganNewsBeagle Fiery Tuesday Sept 9
Time for Action! It's Fiery Tuesday and we have stories that will outrage, excite, and illuminate.
This week: religious minorities join forces in odd alliances post #HobbyLobby; the battle over the Wilderness Act; climate change outrage shortage; coastal Maine lobsters feel the pinch of climate change; Nova Scotia bans fracking.
There's some pretty odd allies ending up on the same side of a religious freedom case shaping up in the case of a devout Muslim prisoner in Alabama.
It's the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act and other land conservation measures: but it might not be such a happy party if anti-environmental forces in the U.S. Congresss have their way.
Is one of the biggest problems with combating climate change a serious shortage of outrage? This story wonders what it will take to ignite the mass protests that seem necessary to make serious movement on the issue.
This Business Insider story details how coastal Maine is already experiencing more climate change than most other parts of the world -- and the results aren't pretty.
Nova Scotia just banned fracking.
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