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PaganNewsBeagle Fiery Tuesday Sept 16

On Fiery Tuesday, the PaganNewsBeagle focuses on issues of activism and the Element of Fire. Today we have stories on civic invocations (aka prayers); crowdfunding site Go Fund Me bans "sorcery," fiery photos from Burning Man; a prominent Heathen speaks out about racism in his community; and the Pagan Environmental Coalition of New York visits fracking sites in Pennsylvania.

Now that "civic prayers" have been ruled legal by the Supreme Court, who gets to give a prayer before government meetings? Patheos blogger "The Friendly Atheist" writes about his experience in this post.

Go Fund Me recently banned crowdfunding for abortions, but another recent change has mostly escaped notice: the site now also bans "sorcery."

Attendees at this year's Burning Man survived torrential rains to create some amazing art.

Heathens United Against Racism co-founder Ryan Smith talks about methods to end racism in his community in this guest post at The Wild Hunt.

The Pagan Environmental Coalition of New York recently visited fracking sites in Pennsylvania and posted this detailed report about what they witnessed.


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