In today's Fiery Tuesday roundup, we concentrate on activism in today's Pagan movement. Several intersecting articles: black Pagans talk about Black History month; PCon and "Bringing Race to the Table;" #Black Lives Matter; the myth of "making your own reality;" Pagan Environmental Network.

February was Black History month, and Wild Hunt contributor Crystal Blanton offers the perspective of a number of black Pagans its significance.

People are still unpacking the issues of racism at Pantheacon. P Lupus offers a modest evaluation and links to the podcast of the "Bringing Race to the Table" panel discussion from the conference in this post.

Debra, blogging at the Pagan Activist, describes her own experience as a middle-aged white Pagan woman, in participating in a #BlackLivesMatter protest.

The common myth that "you make your own reality" is a great way for those in power to keep it that way. John Beckett makes a persuasive case for excising this pernicious myth from our Pagan practice.

Several updates from the Pagan Environmental Network on their campaign against fracking in New York State.