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PaganNewsBeagle Airy Monday Sept 22
Happy Equinox! (It's so fun that the whole planet shares this holiday!) Today our Airy Monday feed focuses on archaeology and space science, with revelations from Greece, European ancestors, Venus figurines, Mars exploration and the wonders of studying space. Enjoy your Monday!
Anyone who follows Greek archaeology will enjoy these recent revelations from a mysterious tomb at Amphipolis.
New genetic analysis of archaeological discoveries concludes that ancient Europeans have three distinct sets of ancestors.
Were our ancient ancestors (with their "Venus" figurines) "sex-crazy?" Not so fast, points out this article on prehistoric art.
Nasa's spacecraft MAVEN reached Mars on Sunday and will be studying the climate history of the planet from its watery past to current arid state.
An astronomer explains why now is such a great time (cosmically-speaking) to study the sky.
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