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PaganNewsBeagle Airy Monday Sept 15
On Airy Monday we start the week with stories of the Mind and the element of Air. Today we have the recovering ozone layer (good news and the bad news); the Polar Vortex explained; archaeology for Pagans; esoteric journal Abraxas; webinars on women & nature.
A U.N. report has good news for the ozone layer: it's recovering faster than expected. Unfortunately, the world replaced the ozone-depleting chemicals with a greenhouse gas, so now the world is looking for a replacement for *that* chemical, too.
Now that summer is giving way to autumn (in the Northern Hemisphere) can talk of the dreaded Polar Vortex be far behind? This story gives scientific explanations for the cold weather phenomenon that caused so much freezing weather last winter (and actually exists year-round.) If you are an Airy weather watcher, you'll want to bookmark this site.
There's a nice round-up on stories of Pagan interest in archaeology in this article at the Wild Hunt.
The esoteric journal Abraxas is about to publish issue #6. Find about it at their website.
What could be more airy than a webinar? This upcoming conference on Woman & Nature at the Emergent Studies Institute includes a number of well-known Pagan writers and thinkers.
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