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Solstice Meditation - Day One: One Mother's Night - The Great Goddess

To be Guided through the journey, use this link to download the MP3:

Though beyond and including all correspondences, the scent of Myrrh and dark stones such as jet, obsidian and garnet can help you connect with the Goddess. The last of the Tarot Trumps, the World or Universe card, gives us imagery to work with her.

Entering into a meditative state. Prepare yourself and your space.

Today we celebrate the birth of the Sun God. We honor and celebrate the Great Goddess as the Mother of All. We attune to her as the Goddess here with us, in the flesh and blood and in the land, as well as the great creatrix of the heavens, giving birth to the highest and deepest principles of light.


We call upon the Goddess, The Lady of the Earth and Starry Heavens,

She who is the Dark Mother of the Starry Winter Night, to be here with us now.

Hail and Welcome


Envision the northern stars, immortal, never descending or diminishing. They are undying and deathless, like the Goddess herself. Attune to the force and form of the Star Goddess. She encircles the Earth and her body is the universe, but seemingly hear heart around which all revolves is in the Northern Stars.


And through her is the power of all women. Think of your Mother, for good, or ill. Think of your Mother's Mother. Think of your Grandmothers, and Great Grandmother, and their mothers. Think of the sacred line of Holy Mother's from which you come, reaching all the way back to the stars.


and we welcome the Child of Light


We call upon the God, the Lord of the Sky and Sun,

He who is the Child of Light growing wise in the Darkness, the Oak King,

to be here with us now. Hail and Welcome.


Around the worldis the path of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, the ecliptic that rises in the East and Descends in the West. Both the space that declares seasons, and the space of stars, tropical and sidereal, are the Zodiacs of the Child of Light. As he is born, the Sun begins to wax. The sun travels through the twelve in the course of the year. The Sun rises to it's peak and descends to the depths, every day, and through the course of the year. And from Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice to Summer Solstice, starts the journey again Northward in his rising. Attune to the power of the Sun as the Child is about to be reborn through the Star Goddess.


Through the Sun Child think of all that is to come. All who have incarnated upon the World. All who will come. Our our own rebirths into the world, time, and again.


Focus on the blessings of wonders, starting with the primal scream of the Goddess giving birth to the God, just as she once screamed out the Logos, the first sound, and gave birth to all things, her Song.

Be reborn.

Let go of all that which does not serve you from the last year.

Like a new soul incarnating. Let it go.

Remember, but be unattached. It was a life time ago.

Be in the current moment.

How do you feel?


As you are reborn, feel the potential of the world being reborn with you.

All the horrors of the past are released.

Everything can start new. Everything can be fresh.

Again, remember, but all that came before can be renewed in this new incarnation

Join us all in the Garden of the Gods, in the time beyond time and the space beyond space.




Move beyond the being the One who is Given New Life

Go beyond the New Life of the Earth

Become one with She who is giving the new life

Become one with the stars.




This meditation is offered freely to anyone wanting to use it to take part in these workings, but the work is drawn from the Temple of Witchcraft. As a nonprofit 501c3, we always appreciate your tax deductible donation to keep our work going in the world. You can donate at Thank you.  

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Christopher Penczak is the co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft, a system, tradition and religious nonprofit organization focused on magickal education and building community. He is an award winning author of over twenty books, including The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, The Three Rays of Witchcraft and Ascension Magick and a co-owner of Copper Cauldron Publishing, a company dedicated to producing inspirational products of magick and art for the evolution of consciousness for individuals and the world. Based in New England, he travels internationally to teach magick and healing.


  • Johnny Allison
    Johnny Allison Sunday, 22 December 2013


    Sanskrit for "Blessings of the Divine Mother"

    Most Beautifully Adorned with the Heavens !

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