Pagan Studies
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Solstice Meditation Day 7: Gemini and the Trickster
For a recording of this Vision working, please click here:
Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and the Trickster, and all the Mercurial correspondences work when evoking the Trickster gods. Carnelian, Agate and multicolored or mottled stones are the minerals of Mercury. Scents such as lavender and storax are excellent to use in the form of incense and oils. The Lovers card, depicting the dual nature of Gemini, is the Tarot Trump associated with this sign. The Divine Twins can be siblings, but also the anima or animus, the compliment, of the other.
Since this working will be a microcosm of the forces for the month when the Sun is in Gemini, you might want to pull a Tarot Card, Rune, Ogham or any other divination omen before, or after the workings, to give yourself further insight.
Entering into a meditative state. Prepare yourself and your space.
On Day Seven of the Working, we call upon the Trickster God, the one who helps us see both sides of any situation, the one who tricks us out of our mind, our unhealthy beliefs and our rigid constructs.
We call upon the Trickster God
Within your heart is the maturing child of Light, growing stronger each day, each working, within you.
As you walk the Royal Road of Starry initiation, you enter into a realm of twilight, of change, for Gemini marks a period between seasons, of change, between spring to summer. There, between, all things are possible.
Rising up to meet you in this twilight of the stars, is the trickster god. Often the trickster is cloaked or masked, as appearances can be deceiving.
Commune with the Trickster. See if you can get past first appearances, to a deeper, truer form. Beware, for the Trickster might seek to trick you, for good for ill, who can say. Use your wits. Discern. Work with your Blade of Truth.
The Trickster can help us see what others cannot see, to teach us to see the hidden signs. We find them among the stars, and within our hands. We find them in cards and within the omens of nature. Everything is endlessly speaking to us, if we but had ears to hear. The Trickster tells us one of our goals is to learn all that when can, when we can. You never know what information will be needed.
Bring the Child of Light, the Child who holds the blessings of the
Father, Rebel, Ecstatic, Warrior and Steward
to the Trickster, the Nameless Namer, who sees beyond seeing.
What strange thing will the trickster do to bless you?
Receive the Wisdom of the Trickster, understanding there is more than one point of view in all things, more than one way to see, more than one way to be.
We thank the Trickster God. Blessed be.
What happens in this vision will help you unfold your experiences for the Month when the Sun occupies the sign of Gemini.
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