Pagan Studies
Being a compendium of recipes and advice for ritual and mundane use to please and make prosperous the Practitioner.
Confidence Potion
My life has come to a time of change, some of it unplanned. So I decided to make myself a Confidence Potion to strengthen my outlook and help make my transitions smoother.
Today is Sunday; the Moon is waxing. It’s a perfect time to do this work. I gathered my ingredients: rain water, Galangal, my main herb, for confidence and expansion, Jasmine flowers for love in the form of self-esteem, and a pinch of Oak bark for strength. For gemstone energy I used a yellow topaz, ruled by the Sun.
In a small enameled saucepan I heated about two ounces of water and added the herbs.
I let them simmer for about a minute, then set the pan aside to cool. I added the topaz and left the mix to soak for an hour, occasionally stirring it deosil and concentrating on the qualities I wanted it to embody. Then I strained the liquid through cheesecloth dampened with a bit of the rain water.
I use a lovely little Turkish coffee pitcher for this. Its long, narrow spout is perfect for pouring potions.
A Patrón Sample bottle is perfect to hold my new concoction. I transferred the liquid to the waiting bottle.
I then added about an ounce of vodka, corked the bottle, and shook it gently. It will sit overnight to mellow, then it’s ready to be blessed.
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