Common Ground: The Kinship of Metaphysicians

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A Prayer for Samhain

Posted by on in Studies Blogs

Great Lord and Lady heed our plea:

Relieved of sorrow we would be.


Though ravens croak an ancient tale

Of human yearnings doomed to fail,


Your minstrels sing an end more sweet -

The Summerland where loved ones meet.


Serene the promise you proclaim

Our seasons change, you stay the same.


Beneath our robes with runes ornate

Stand tired bodies, bruised by fate.


Our old decisions bind us fast.

Each fleeting breath could be our last -


And when we come to final grief

You'll snip the thread and give relief.


Your sickle cuts; your cauldron stirs

'Tween life and death the boundary blurs.


Our empty shells returned to earth,

Our better parts will see rebirth.


But, still we crave some wisdom learned

Before the wheel once more has turned.


Whoe'er we were, whate'er we felt,

We had to play the cards you dealt.


You shuffle well; we are your tools.

You make or bend or break the rules.


Dear Lord and Lady grant our plea,

That all our ends may blessed be.



A student of esoteric traditions since the age of 16, Ted Czukor (Theo the Green) began teaching Yoga in 1976 and was adjunct faculty in the Maricopa, AZ Community Colleges for 26 years until retiring in 2013. Raised Christian but deeply influenced by Rosicrucianism, Vedanta, Hinduism and Buddhism, his Pagan worship has strong Gaia-Goddess tendencies. He is an Interfaith wedding celebrant and the author of several books, two of which are available online. He lives with his wife Ravyn-Morgayne in Sun City, Arizona. 

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A student of esoteric traditions since the age of 16, Ted Czukor (Theo the Green) taught Yoga for 37 years until retiring in 2013. For 26 years he was adjunct faculty for the Maricopa, AZ Community Colleges, teaching Gentle Yoga and Meditation & Wellness. Raised in the Methodist Church but drawn to Rosicrucianism, Hinduism and Buddhist philosophy, he is a devotee of the Goddess in all Her forms. Ted has been a Shakespearean actor, a Masonic ritualist and an Interfaith wedding officiant. He is the author of several books, none of which made any money and two of which are available as .pdf files. He lives with his wife Ravyn-Morgayne in Sun City, Arizona. Their shared dream is to someday relocate to Glastonbury, England.


  • Jamie
    Jamie Wednesday, 30 October 2013


    That is truly inspired. Thanks for sharing it with us!

    I like it so much that I'm going to print it out.

    It's the kind of prayer that, if I was terminally ill and looking up at the Sun on my final afternoon, I could offer it to the Gods in gratitude for this life.

    The prayer would be good to recite anytime, of course, and hopefully I won't meet my end for many years.

  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor Wednesday, 30 October 2013


    Thank you so much, my friend. It's very gratifying to know that my sentiments resonate with a like-minded soul. I think that's the nicest review any author ever received.

    May you live long and prosper!

  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis Friday, 01 November 2013

    Ted, thank you for such an honest and personal sharing. Hearing or reading heartfelt expression is one of the great joys I experience as a pagan and human. One reason i love being a spiritual guide is that I get to hear the "real" of someone's life; no theory or theology is a substitute for the joy, groundedness, and blessing it bestows on me. You are lovely.

  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor Friday, 01 November 2013

    Thank you, Francesca. I know you will appreciate the detailed work that went into this one, getting all the rhymes and iambic pentameter exact. Three dozen times I thought it was perfect; three dozen times I suddenly saw a word or phrase that needed to be improved. I even submitted one version to Anne, then had to rethink it when she pointed something out to me. The final result is nothing like the way it looked when it started out - just like life!

  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis Saturday, 02 November 2013

    I love that story and the care you took with the piece. Thank you.

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