Hedge Witch: Into the Wilds…

Let me take you on a journey through the wilds of nature and back to the roots and bones of witchcraft, a natural witchcraft that works with the seasons and all the natural items that Mother Nature provides drawing on magical folk lore with a dash of hedge witch and gypsy magic too.

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Snow & Ice Magic

Snow & Ice Magic

Where I live, we don’t tend to get a lot of snow and if we do it isn’t usually very much and it doesn’t stay long however if you do have snow then you can make all kinds of magic with it.

Basically, snow and ice are variations on frozen water so it carries all the magical properties that water does such as healing, cleansing and purifying and it is a very feminine energy.  But because they are water in a transformed state they also bring the energy of transformation.

When you collect, your snow will also change the energy for instance if you scoop up a handful of the white stuff when fresh snow has laid and the land is still and silent it can be used in spell work for calming tempers or soothing situations.  If you collect snow during a raging blizzard, then it will pack a huge powerful punch of energy.

If you are tempted out into the snow and once you have finished your snowball fight how about that snowman?  Think about it…a figure shaped from snow, does it remind you of anything?  How about a large snow poppet?  Build him by your front gate and charge him with protection duty.

If you want to get rid of a bad habit or feeling or even a person, the general idea is to write their name or the thing you want to banish on a slip of paper and pop it in the freezer but you can work this spell using snow instead by burying the piece of paper or even writing the name or word in the snow. As the snow melts it takes away the item with it.

You can also write your wishes and goals in the snow, as it melts your intent is released to the universe.

Another way to get rid of bad habits or emotions is to dump those feelings into a snowball and throw it away from you as far as you can.

If the snow outside is quiet and peaceful, that perfect stillness you get then wrap up warm and go and sit outside for a bit, allow your mind to clear and see what messages the divine has for you.

Collect a jar full of snow and once it has melted use it as ‘snow water’. And the same can be done with ice or icicles, just pop it in a jar to melt.

Basically both ice and snow will eventually melt and in doing so they can take negative energy with them as they do so, cleansing and purifying as they go.

And of course…we mustn’t forget lying down on the ground to make snow angels…

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Rachel is a witch...has been for a very long time, not the green skinned warty kind obviously...the real sort - but she is also a working wife and mother living in Hampshire, England who has also been lucky enough to write and have published a growing stack of books on the Craft. She loves to learn she loves to study and continues to do so each and every day but has learned the most from actually getting outside and doing it. She regularly gives talks and workshops at pagan events. Rachel is also founder and an Elder at the Kitchen Witch online school of witchcraft. She likes to laugh...and eat cake...


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