Hedge Witch: Into the Wilds…
Let me take you on a journey through the wilds of nature and back to the roots and bones of witchcraft, a natural witchcraft that works with the seasons and all the natural items that Mother Nature provides drawing on magical folk lore with a dash of hedge witch and gypsy magic too.
Getting connected...
Every space whether it is your back garden, your living room, the city park or the middle of a field it all has its own unique energy and history.
I live on the edge of a large city in a terraced house. My house was built in 1920 but before that there was another house on the land and before that and before that. In fact as I also live near the sea, the city being a port it has attracted dwellings probably since man needed a roof over his head and somewhere nearby to catch food (i.e. the sea). The first recorded dwellings date back to the late 9th Century and we have apparently had Romans, Normans, Saxons and all and sundry living here. So the land itself holds a huge amount of memories and echoes from our ancestors, oh the tales it could tell…
For me it is important to connect with and get to know the energy and history even the ancestors of any space that you visit especially if you want to work magic there or collect natural items. Obviously somewhere like a bit city centre is going to be pretty sparse (but not completely devoid) of natural items unless you want a cigarette butt or an old carrier bag but the land beneath the concrete will have a very special unique energy and it will be very happy to connect with a lovely caring soul after all the abuse it has probably suffered over the years. So wherever you are just take a moment to relax your mind and send out your spidey senses to connect with the land you are standing on.
If you are in a field or forest then the energy you connect with will be very different from that of the city centre but it will be an experience wherever you are.
Whenever I have been to a group ritual I always connect with the land first and ask permission from the ancestors of that site to make sure they are OK with a load of pagans invading their site, I think it is a matter of courtesy but also to ask them to lend their energies to the ritual as well. It pays to have the ancestors on your side…
I do the same if I am in a park, field, walking by a hedgerow, doing the school run or in the forest because I find it helps give me a sense of being - to connect with the land my feet are walking on. It can also give you a sense of what magical energies it can help you tap into and what energy it can lend to you.
If you get into the habit of connecting with your own house and garden it can also make you feel very comfortable and safe and help to keep your house and garden a happy and positive area to be in.
Go on get connected…
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