Gnosis Diary: Life as a Heathen
My personal experiences, including religious and spiritual experiences, community interaction, general heathenry, and modern life on my heathen path, which is Asatru.
World Chillout Day
World Chillout Day is a day to visualize all things cool and calm. It’s like Visualize World Peace but more. Imagine war cooling down, imagine wildfires going out, imagine hot-heads cooling off and cooler heads prevailing, imagine winter in the air and snow falling on the earth.
World Chillout Day is on the 11th of February, which is the heart of winter where I am, although it’s summer in Australia. World Chillout Day started among a small online group of mystics who wanted to send some cooling energy there to help them with their fires. The people who named it and worked on it didn’t want credit for it but they did want it given to the public to be used by people of all faiths or of no faith. My contributions were to choose the 11th and to write this post.
I chose the 11th because the number 11 corresponds with Isa, the rune of ice, in runic numerology. Isa is often seen as a negative power because it freezes things, and the heathen culture that first used the runes lived in the far north and regarded cold as a deadly peril. In rune magic, it’s used mostly to bind other powers together, using its crystalline symmetry to make other mysteries work together. However, it’s one of the basic powers of the universe and is neither good nor bad in and of itself. It can be used positively for this working.
Imagine an ice crystal forming in the air. Imagine it branching into a unique and beautiful shape, a snowflake. Imagine this energy all across the world.
Do this in whatever way you find relaxing. Get rid of panic, and chill out. Put on some Bob Marley. Have a cup of tea. Pet the cat. Instead of urgency, calm. Instead of concentration, flow. Instead of intent for the future, still thoughts in the eternal now.
Image: mourning dove, photo by Erin Lale
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