Gnosis Diary: Life as a Heathen
My personal experiences, including religious and spiritual experiences, community interaction, general heathenry, and modern life on my heathen path, which is Asatru.
Nut Bearing Tree and other news
In July I picked almonds, early in the morning, up a ladder with a basket in my front yard. The almond tree is a nonpareil which is supposed to be an ornamental or pollinator, not a nut bearing tree. We, my mom and I, had planted the nonpareil tree along with another variety of almond tree that was supposed to be the nut bearing tree, but the other tree had died, and one day mom had come home with a "white pomegranate" for me to plant where the other almond tree had been so we only had the nonpareil. It made beautiful flowers every spring, but mom wanted nuts. One year mom told the tree she wanted nuts and it bore nuts. It has borne nuts every year since.
I rarely do any spells anymore, but there is one I do almost every day in the summer. When I get in the pool I splash the water and say "No f*ing wasps! No thing that stings belongs in my pool!" So far so good, knock on wood.
I also occasionally run into some bad vibes and I cast them toward the light off the pyramid and say, "Bad vibes away! Go! Become light!" If I suspect something is hanging around that shouldn't be, I cast it toward the light too, and I say, "Anything that should not be here, go! Become light!" Sometimes it seems more appropriate to send it to darkness and then I just say "Go!" and I have a mental image of Sigyn's lavender broom sweeping it into a black hole in space.
First, the background info:
As I mentioned in a previous post, this summer I'm able to travel. I didn't have enough lead time to arrange any book tour stops at heathen and pagan events, some summertime conventions were already over, and I also discovered the biggest ones coming up were not inclusive toward people like me (with my specific set of health conditions) according to the rules on their websites. I also wanted to go to a science fiction convention again, and I discovered most of them were either not inclusive for people like me either, according to the rules on their sites, or did not have a reliable set of unchanging rules. Other cons were full already or were off target for me, that is, not actual sf cons. I did find an sf con I could attend, and it was within a reasonable distance for me to combine the trip with visiting relatives, so I decided to go to that and visit family. I'm also taking a separate trip to visit other relatives.
Now, my exciting news!
In August 2022 I will briefly be in the Spokane, Washington area.
In September 2022 I will briefly be in San Antonio and then in Dallas, Texas. I will be attending Fencon.
If you're in those areas and would like to have me speak to your group, do a booksigning, etc., or if you'll be at Fencon and would like to arrange some sort of Asatru meetup at the convention, contact me via my author page
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