Gnosis Diary: Life as a Heathen
My personal experiences, including religious and spiritual experiences, community interaction, general heathenry, and modern life on my heathen path, which is Asatru.
How I'm Making a Decision About a Convention part 2
I'm deciding a moral dilemma. I have an opportunity to make money while bringing my message to a new and possibly broader audience. On the other hand, there is a risk that instead of bringing my message to more people, association with the convention's sponsor could damage my reputation and thus diminish the reach of my message.
As I mentioned in part 1, my next step was to seek divination from 3 different diviners. I'm not looking for a 2/3 majority on the yes or no question of whether to go any further with the pursuit of this opportunity; divination isn't democracy. I'm looking for what all 3 agree about. The first person I asked is not doing divination at this time, but I know many diviners. I have not seriously sought any other diviner's advice before, so this is new for me. I already know that I can't read for myself, though. Every time I do that, what I see is my own death.
There are other venues where I could talk about How to Punch a Nazi. That online convention is not my only option, it's just the opportunity that happened to get handed to me in a fb message.
So, I began the process of asking people if they were up for a divination question about the issue I posted about on my fb page. Comments continued to come in on my page, including this link to a post by a person who decided to post publicly about their negative experience with Day:
I asked 3 different people for 3 different kinds of readings.
Reading A: Godphone AKA channeling, from a friend. Result: I was advised not to work with Day.
(I also spontaneously got a second godphone or impressions from the universe reading from another friend who commented on my fb post where friends were giving me conflicting advice about this decision. The result was she heard an instant "No" as soon as she read the question.)
Reading B: rune reading. From: my cousin. Results: No.
My cousin read the runes for me, using her rune set that she made. We spoke on the phone. My question was "Should I take this job?" The reading was very clear: the answer is no. Every part of the reading was negative, except for the part dealing with impact on the community if I do not take the job, with indicated that there would be no impact if I do not participate in the online event.
She messaged me a photo of the runes, which you can see at the top of this post.
Reading C will be by Lady Kildara Firespring at Sacred Spring and is scheduled for tomorrow. I'll be posting again after that reading. Like the other readings, this one will also be by phone and / or internet.
Image: runes and a rune scarf
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