Pagan Paths
PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
A Devotional Polytheist Meme
While interfaith discussion with neo-pagans is valuable, I'd personally like to see more discussion of our own traditions and religious praxis. So, I came up with a bunch of questions to get the ball rolling. I'm going to answer these over the course of this month via a series of posts here and anyone else who likes them is also free to participate.
1. What wealth have the divinities brought into your life?
2. What does your tradition do to increase the power and flow of blessings?
3. How have the divinities helped you in times of adversity and violent upheaval?
4. What are some of the ways that you communicate with the divinities?
5. If you could travel anywhere on pilgrimage where would it be and what would you do?
6. What does it feel like when one receives inspiration from the divinities?
7. What offerings do you make in your tradition and why?
8. What methods of inducing altered states of conscious does your tradition have?
9. How does your tradition handle wrathful, savage and destructive divinities?
10. Have you encountered any obstacles as a result of your religion?
11. What blocks to devotion have you had to overcome?
12. What sort of festivals, memorials or seasonal observances do you keep throughout the year?
13. Have you ever found it difficult to uphold your end of a bargain with the divinities?
14. What role does mystery play in your tradition?
15. What methods does your tradition employ for protection and the warding off of malign influences?
16. What devotional goals have you set for yourself?
17. What qualities should a leader in your tradition possess?
18. What does fertility mean to you?
19. How do you incorporate movement into your worship?
20. Does your religion help you to be a better human being?
21. Have you ever had dreams or visions sent by the divinities?
22. What customs are associated with the home and family in your tradition?
23. When did it first dawn on you that the divinities are real?
24. What have you inherited from your ancestors?
Pass it on, folks. I'm really interested in everyone's answers. :)
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