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Resources for Pagan Homeschoolers
First, many apologies for posting this a bit late. Life seems to be passing at lightning speed with both my pregnancy and my writing.
Whether you homeschool because you are Pagan, or are a Pagan who homeschools, finding resources may be a challenge. There are many excellent sites, books, magazines, etc. geared toward Christian homeschoolers. There are also secular resources, which are not as abundant as religious ones, but usually more attractive to Pagan homeschoolers. However, what about Pagan-specific resources?
A few websites have compiled links to a variety of resources that might be helpful, however these sites are not always regularly-maintained or checked for broken links. Please keep that in mind.
Beara’s Children - - has links to curricula, support groups, scholarship information, and more. Some of the links are outdated/broken, but you will find plenty that still work.
Pagan Homeschool - - this Yahoo group is not as busy as it once was, but the archives may still prove a useful resource.
A to Z’s Cool Homeschooling - – this website tends to stay fairly up to date on links and resources. Their Pagan Homeschooling page is useful for anyone seeking umbrella schools, support groups, newsletters, and more.
The community has a forum thread on Pagan Homeschooling -
Groups also pop up online from time to time, though they often lack active participants. However, PaganSpace has a Pagan Homeschoolers group that may be useful -
Many Pagans blog about homeschooling. A few of them include:
We Have Always Lived in a Homeschool -
Lioness has also compiled links to Ancient Pagan Proverbs for Young Children at
The Pagan Household -
Hearth Roots -
Between the Worlds -
There is also an umbrella school in Alabama that is specifically geared toward homeschoolers. It is called Sacred Grove Academy and you can find it at
Not Pagan, but worth checking into are the Oak Meadow curriculum at and The Bearth Institute's "Earthschooling" page at
Both of these curricula are Waldorf-inspired, and quite Pagan-friendly.
There are several books that may be of interest to Pagan homeschoolers as well. These are all available at Amazon, and include:
Pagan Homeschooling by Kristin Madden
Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions by Starhawk, Diane Baker, and Anne Hill
A Witch’s Primer: Grade One by Lorin Manderly
Growing Up Pagan: A Workbook for Wiccan Families by Raine Hill
Celebrating the Great Mother: A Handbook of Earth-Honoring Activities for Parents and Children by Cait Johnson and Maura Shaw
The Secular Homeschool Community at is very Pagan-friendly and also offers a Pagan group at
If there are any resources you can add to this list, please leave a comment! "Where can I find Pagan homeschooling resources?" is probably one of the most-asked questions in the homeschooling community.
Next time, I will discuss curriculum resources for Pagans.
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Not to toot our own horn (BBI Media owns and operates PaganSquare) but I'd like to point out the eight (8!) years of back issues of our Pagan family newsletter, The Blessed Bee. Lots of folks have told me that it is a great resource for Pagan homeschooling. All 32 back issues are in print (you can buy the entire 1000+ page set for $85, or single 4-issue sets for only $12). Find out more about the Bee here: