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How to Make a Semi-Homemade Fixed Candle
You will need:
- A candle in a glass container (usually found in the Goya section of the grocery store)
- Your choice of essential Oils
- Cosmetic Grade Glitter
- Cardstock
- Strong glue
- Small piece of paper, string or yarn and pen
- Other decorations such as herbs, crystals, markers, flat stones, stickers, whatever your inner Martha is dictating
- A small pot
- 1/4 cup water
- Your stove
Fixed candles are traditionally used in Hoodoo spellwork for anything from getting a job, blessing a new home, working a love spell or putting a hex on someone. They're easy to use and very effective. Often, saint candles are used for this kind of thing but it's not unusual to see fixed candles that utilize other images instead.
1. Figure out what your magical goal is. Make sure it can summed up in one sentence.
2. Find or draw the appropriate image for your spellwork onto your cardstock. Make sure the cardstock can be wrapped around the candle. Find coordinating essential oils, color of glitter and coordinating miscellanous decorations for your candle. I have fixed candles in my shop if you're looking for inspiration.
3. Put your pot on the stove with the water. Put the candle in its glass container in the pot standing upright. Heat on low for about 10 minutes or until the wax starts melting. Using a potholder, take the candle out of the pot and add your herbs, oils and glitter to the candle, keeping the candle upright. Let it cool.
4. Make sure your candle is dried off and glue the cardstock image to it. Decorate the outside of the candle.
5. On your piece of paper, you're going to write out your petition (i.e. your one sentence magical goal) without letting your pen leave the page. If your pen leaves the page, start over. If you are trying to bring something towards you, roll the paper towards you. If you're trying to get something to go away from you, you roll the paper away from you. Tie the paper to the candle.
6. In Hoodoo, Psalm 23 is used for basically everything under the sun. If psalms aren't your thing, I find a heart felt prayer while placing your hands on the candle and pushing energy through your hands into the candle works just as well.
7. Light your candle. Ideally, you'd keep it lit until it burns out but if you can't do that, use a candle snuffer to snuff it out before bed and light it again whenever you're home until it burns out. Observe what the candle does periodically for clues and omens on your work.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
@Elani - Thank you! I really like your posts!
@Beth - Yes! It's great to see you! I've been following your blogs
@Marion - Thank you!· Elani Temperance likes this comment. -
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