Paganistan: Notes from the Secret Commonwealth
In Which One Midwest Man-in-Black Confers, Converses & Otherwise Hob-Nobs with his Fellow Hob-Men (& -Women) Concerning the Sundry Ways of the Famed but Ill-Starred Tribe of Witches.
Yew Pegs and Round Holes
I hate acronyms.
There's something inherently ugly, opaque, even anti-poetic about them. If I could, I'd do away with them altogether.
Oh, I'll concede them a certain prosaic utility. The term DNA has saved a lot of time and breath down the years.
Point conceded. I would, nonetheless, contend that their use is best restricted to secular contexts. They have no place in religious vocabulary.
Let me pick on a particular example. The term UPG—that's "unverified personal gnosis" to the uninitiated—has gained a certain currency in pagan circles since it was coined some time in the late “20th" century.
In the thought-world of modern pagan experience, this is a useful concept. The name, however, is unworthy of the concept. You-pee-gee: "yew-peg," one could say, by notarikon. Can you imagine Snorri Sturluson using such a term? Indeed, the ancestors wouldn't have needed it. Some word-smith would have crafted a worthy word instead.
Where's a skald when you need one?
Myself, I'm not sure I have a better suggestion to make. (The best proposal I've heard so far is “dream-lore.”*) But let me go down on record as contending, at least, that we do indeed need one; the incumbent is not nearly strong enough.
To be the pagans that we need to become—to become the pagans that the world needs us to be—we need to think carefully about the vocabulary by which we define ourselves and our experience. We need worthy words, before the unworthy ones petrify into tradition and give us all a nasty case of mental gallstones.
Our new pagan language needs beauty as well as precision and utility, and acronyms like UPG can never fulfill that requirement, because they are incapable of it.
In our day, the rent fabric of paganism requires reweaving, to be sure.
But for gods' sakes, let us do our work worthily.
*Old English dréam meant both “joy, gladness, mirth” and “music, song.” The Modern English word derives its sense of “sleep-vision” from the Norse cognate draumr, “vision,” as in the Eddic lay Baldrs Draumr, “The Vision of Balder,” in which he foresees his own tragic demise and, ultimately, that of the world. So dream-lore would be something learned (“lore”) in a vision (“dream”).
In Old Craft usage, the “dream-sabbat” is the visionary sabbat, as distinguished from the hooves-on-the-ground kind. The term also refers to "ritual-as-conceived" (as distinguished from "ritual-as-performed").
Tuesday, 07 July 2015
We, of course, distinguish between visions (which happen while we're awake, if possibly while in an altered state) and dreams, which happen while we're asleep. But so far as I can tell, this wasn't always the case. It certainly doesn't seem to have been so for the old Norse or the old Hebrews (those are the only two ancient languages with which I've got enjoy conversancy to be able to tell).
Visions (to judge from those I've experienced myself) do tend to have that very dream-like solidity to them. So I'm glad you like the term. I plan to use it myself until (and if) something better comes along. -
Monday, 13 July 2015
I hate the term UPG. An essay on that topic (too long to post in a comment):
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Thanks for the term dream-lore. I rely on dreams and whimsy to guide me through the large amount of written material out there. Dream-lore is a useful term.