Paganistan: Notes from the Secret Commonwealth
In Which One Midwest Man-in-Black Confers, Converses & Otherwise Hob-Nobs with his Fellow Hob-Men (& -Women) Concerning the Sundry Ways of the Famed but Ill-Starred Tribe of Witches.
People of the Waters: A Rite for Minnehaha Falls
Twin Cities Pagan Pride 2014
Minnehaha Park
Minneapolis, Minnesota
People gather at bandshell.
Words of Welcome
Pagan Pride Representative
Introduction to Ritual
Blowing of Horn(s)
Main procession, led by priest and drums, descends into caldera. (The mobility-impaired may choose to watch from the upper walls.) Priestess leads offering bearers and horn-blowers to gather on bridge above Falls.
Call to Prayer
Priest (facing assembled people)
My brothers and sisters,
we have it from the ancestors,
and they from their ancestors,
that the avenues of communication
between ourselves and the gods
are most open
during the making of offerings;
so as the priestess,
on our behalf,
makes the threefold offering to the Falls,
I would invite you to lift up your hands
and to make your prayers
to whichever gods
your people make their prayers to.
And so we begin.
(Faces Falls. Covers head.)
Blowing of Horns
People intone
Assisted by offering-bearers, the priestess, from above the Falls, makes the Three Offerings. Each Offering is made in three parts. She and the priest make the same prayers.
First Offering (libations)
Priest and priestess pray for Life for the People
Second Offering (meal)
Priest and priestess pray for Food for the People
Third Offering (flowers, wreaths)
Priest and priestess pray for Beauty for the People
(Priest faces people and leads hymn, call-and-response style.)
Hymn (all) People of the Waters
O People of the Waters, come to me,
the Maiden Water is calling.
O Maiden Water, O Maiden Water,
your people hear your calling.
O People of the Waters, come to me,
the Dancing Water is calling.
O Dancing Water, O Dancing Water,
your people hear your calling.
O People of the Waters, come to me,
the Laughing Water is calling.
O Laughing Water, O Laughing Water,
your people hear your calling.
My brothers and sisters, our rite is ended.
Let us now, each one of us, go forth
to do our own proper work in the world,
and may the blessing of the Waters
for life, sustenance, and inspiration
be upon you and upon all our people,
and let us all say:
So mote it be.
Blowing of horn(s)
(Priest uncovers head.)
Procession, led by priest and drums, ascends from caldera.
This ritual was created for the Twin Cities Pagan Pride celebration in 2011, and has been performed annually since then.
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