If the mullahs of Qom thought that their god was going to protect them from the newest corona virus, they were wrong.

Same with wingnut Christians who think that “No genuinely believing [sic] Christian can for one moment accept that the Holy Mysteries might bring or be the source of sickness or ill-health and therefore take no precautions when sharing a chalice.

It's good to know that pagans are smarter than that.

It can't have been easy for the organizers of Paganicon to decide to move this March's get-together to the Other Equinox, but kudos to them for doing it. It was really the only responsible decision to have made.

In a few days' time, pagans all over the Northern Hemisphere will be celebrating the Equinox and the coming (thank Goddess) of Spring. Well, we're the People of the Wheel, and that's our gods-given work.

How you go about turning your part of the Wheel is, of course, up to you. However you decide to do it, please: be smart and be responsible. There's no reason for the gods to look out for you if you're too froward to do it for yourself.

Here at Temple of the Moon, a core group of us will be getting together to descend into the Underworld and bring Spring back with us, as we have for almost 40 years now.

For those that choose not to foregather, it will still be Spring, and there will still be plenty to do. If you go out to the woods, even by yourself, you will surely find Her.

Loath as I am to admit it, sometimes the reason for the Season—the divine Change itself—can get swamped in the furious preparations that lead up to the holidays. When the holiday itself gets in the way, it's time to reassess. Maybe there's an opportunity here for us, if we choose to take it.

Spring is coming; my friends, let us go out and greet Her.

And, for gods' sakes, let's do it smart.