“Go Round and Round, Round and Round…”
I did some traveling in September, and I’m about to do some more traveling throughout the end of October. While making a to-do list and going through some computer documents I found this little travel charm, and it reminded me how important it is to protect oneself, whether traveling near or far.
My First Coven used this charm for a little ritual long ago, and I must give credit to my dear friend Luna for the original idea. (Hello, Luna-Lady!) I’ve shared this ritual with others throughout the years, and it gives me great pleasure to share it with you!
This can be done within ritual space, or just as a fun project. Do whatever is appropriate for your tradition and most of all be sure to follow your intuition.
Find or make a little baggie of some type. A little organza bag from a craft store would work, or you can make something out of felt or another fabric. I’d use green or blue, but black or white would work, or any color that is meaningful to you in regards to travel or protection.
Fill the bag with dried rosemary, sage, lavender, or all three. You can also add other herbs that you personally associate with protection, travel, or safety. There are also many correspondence charts to be found in books and throughout the internet if you want more options.
Next, add small pieces of hematite, moonstone, aventurine, quartz, or malachite. Gray, white, or green stones are very useful for travel, safety, and luck. Or again, like with the herbs, you can find correspondence charts or books to help you find the perfect crystals.
If you work with specific Deities, it might also be appropriate to ask them for aid and to enlist their protection and skills. You can use pictures, stones, herbs, or other small baubles to represent your Deities or to invoke their blessings.
Next, find a small piece of a map, or a picture of a destination or your home. Cut it out small enough to fit into the bag. For example, if I work 30 minutes from my house, I can print off a map that shows directions from my house to work, and I can put that in my bag. Or if I go to New Orleans every six months, I could use a map of the city or a picture of the French Quarter.
If you work with oils, you can dab a few drops onto the bag, crystals, or the pieces of map. I’d recommend any oils that correspond to the herbs with which you filled the bag, or something like peppermint or tea tree oil.
Hold the bag in your dominant hand. Now is the time to charge your charm! You can chant or drum or meditate. What you do doesn’t matter - what matters is that you fill the bag with your intentions towards safety, protection, luck, wisdom, and joy. Basically, imagine all of the great, useful, and important qualities you want to embody when you travel!
The first time I made this charm, my Coven charged up our charms by dancing around and signing the song “The Wheels on the Bus.” We made the little charms inside Luna’s cute little witchy home. We had a great time digging through maps and measuring out herbs, and picking the perfect moonstones. Then we went out to the park across the street, found a nice place, and charged up our charms! We danced in a lively circle as we sang over and over “the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round! The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through town!”
As we sang, we even did the actions and everything! It was great ritual and lots of fun. It was a memorable ritual for me because the spell/charm was so easy, and incredibly powerful and effective!
Once completed, you can put this travel protection charm into your car, carry it with you on your person, and keep it in your purse, backpack, or luggage. Follow your intuition but just keep it close when you are traveling, even if it’s back and forth from the grocery store, or maybe even around the world!
Good luck and safe travels!
Post Script: Thanks again to Luna-Lady who originally shared this charm [and many others!] with me. Thank you for all you have taught me! I wouldn’t be the witch I am today without your wisdom and guidance. I thank you and love you!
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