From the Oak: Let’s hear it for the God!

Many are those that focus on female divinities, leaving male divinities in the shadows if they get mentioned at all. This is a shame. Here I will share my thoughts, stories and prayers on male divinities. Currently focusing on divinities placed in an atheist "graveyard".

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Nergal, God of the Underworld

Nergal is the next "graveyard" divinity that I am honoring.  I found his tales very interesting, especially that he was associated with Hercules.  Nergal was conceived in the underworld when his mother went to rescue her rapist from his punishment.  



"I'll call him Nergal-Meslamtaea," states Ninlil, "and his will be the knowledge of the hard mysteries of Conflict, Wounding and Diseases so that humanity and the gods know about Peace, Healing and Wholeness in all levels.'"  

Nergal became Lord of the Underworld, not under his own power, but by bedding Ereshkigal, goddess of the Underworld, for 7 days.  

The two embraced each other
And went passionately to bed.
They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a first day and a second day.
They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a third day.
They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a fourth day.
They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a fifth day.
They lay there, queen Ereshkigal and Erra, for a sixth day.

When the seventh day arrived,
Anu made his voice heard and spoke,
Addressed his words to Kakka, his vizier,
"Kakka, I shall send you to Kurnugi,
To the home of Ereshkigal who dwells within Erkalla,
To say, "That god, whom I sent you,
Forever [ ]
Those above [ ]
Those below [ ]

(about 20 - 25 lines missing at end) (extracted from Before the Muses, by Foster, Yale)

Based on what I read, I put together an epithet prayer.  May he be remembered. 

Son of Enlil andNinlil
Underworld Conceived
Child of Sorrows
Mighty Hunter
Prowler of Night’s Mysteries
Lord of Weaponry
The Burner
Distributor of Disease
Furious One
Hero of the Gods
Commander of the Sebitti
Beloved of Ereshkigal
Lord of the Underworld
Gatekeeper of the Underworld
Lord of Limits
Great Watcher
God of Necessity
Judge of Souls
Shepherd of Man
Hail Nergal!

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I'm an eclectic polytheist whose main divinities are Heru-ur, Bast, Sobek, Yinepu Isis, Zeus-Serapis, and Yemaya. I'm a mother, wife and Librarian living in the Rocky Mountains stumbling on my path and wondering what the heck I'm doing. Blessed be.


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