Urania's Well: Astrology for Changing Times
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The Beginning of Love: New Moon in Leo
"The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them." ~ Thomas Merton
The August New Moon, in fun-loving, generous, heart- (and sometimes self-) centered Leo, forms a threesome with Venus, planet of relationships. This configuration tends to turn astrologer’s minds to hearts and flowers and “Love Is in the Air” . But a closer look at the chart reveals that you won’t be able to get away with a saccharine and shallow approach to relationships this month. (Though by all means, feel free to drag out the disco music. Someday I’ll do an astrological study of the disco scene in the 70s and will, I have no doubt, find a prominent Leo signature in the charts).
The threesome's square to Saturn, still in Scorpio’s realm of depth psychology, unconscious drives, and hidden emotions, demands that we take our relationships seriously, and Uranus — trining the conjunction from Aries — lights a passionate bonfire that would do Burning Man proud. This means that we will need to do some real work on managing our relationships and our emotions in the month ahead. There is a tremendous opportunity to foster and deepen our connections with others and with ourselves as well, because a big part of the lesson The Lion offers us is that the best relationships happen between people who bring all of themselves to a relationship, without apology or hidden agendas.
Yes, Virginia, Venus IS Retrograde
With Venus Rx, a lot of us are going to revisit past friendships, partnerships, marriages or love affairs and either seek closure, or re-ignite them. So getting clear about what you bring to a relationship and what you expect from relationships will be important personal/spiritual work in the month ahead. Spend some quality time in front of your altar, doing whatever you do for insight and awareness. This is a good time for clearing old emotional roadblocks, especially if they stand in way of your complete self-acceptance. Devote some time to addressing them in the month ahead.
If you know self-acceptance is an issue for you (and I think it is for many, if not most of us) I recommend Tara Brach’s book Radical Acceptance. You might also consider this line from Desiderata “You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and stars. You have a right to be here.” Take this phrase to your inner contacts/guides in meditation or journey, and ask them to help you see, feel and acknowledge the truth of this statement. If you enjoy pathworking with Tarot, get out the Star card this month.
(And if you want some reminders of the focus for this month and a look at the astrological weather for the week ahead in your inbox on Monday mornings, sign up for my newsletter.)
On the National Stage
Now let’s take a look at the New Moon chart cast for Washington, DC, which is predictive for the USA for the month ahead. There is a major focus on the 11th house in this chart, ruled by the Leo Sun. The 11th house rules legislative bodies such as Congress and state governments, groups and organizations of like-minded people, and cultural creativity.
Speaking of cultural creativity, I mentioned Burning Man earlier, which happens during the month covered by this chart. It’s a powerful chart for a festival like this. Expect more than the usual fireworks, reality-bending, and drama, and perhaps a whiff of scandal. Certainly some big spiritual lessons being taught in a very public way, perhaps accompanied by some major eruptions from the collective unconscious.
On the political scene, there will definitely be a focus on legislators and legislation. Donald Trump’s chart is highlighted by this New Moon, and I expect we will be hearing a lot more from and about him (I know, I know -- enough already!). I am hopeful that his appeal to the public will wane considerably come Autumn.
Some major financial changes are likely, probably triggered by legislation (will the Fed finally raise interest rates? Though they won’t meet until after the next New Moon, the groundwork for the decision will be laid during this one). With Mars waving a “look at me” flag in the 10th house in Leo, my guess is that President Obama will wear his lame-duck status proudly, fighting for what he believes in.
Unfortunately, I also see the possibility of a lot of loud trumpeting of “American exceptionalism”. But with Jupiter and Mercury both in “check your ego at the door” Virgo, opposing Neptune in “All One” Pisces, there may be a lot of pushback to that attitude. I also expect to see renewed interest in and discussion of practical solutions to environmental problems.
That’s all for now! Don’t forget to visit my new website and get your copy of “Planning Your Day With the Moon”!
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