Urania's Well: Astrology for Changing Times
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Grasping Hot Coals: New Moon in Aquarius
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Gautama Buddha
There’s a lot of change in the air with Monday’s New Moon in Aquarius — Mars, the planet of action and confrontation, has a tight hold on the reins of this chart, with stern Saturn and unpredictable Uranus as the co-pilots. There is tremendous potential for effective action, but also for conflict and even violence, as Mars is strong in its own sign of Scorpio and challenging the Aquarius New Moon.
(Astrology students will want to note that Mars in its own sign is also tightly square the New Moon conjunction, and disposits Uranus, which is in a close trine with Saturn — the two are co-rulers of Aquarius, and so the New Moon. As I said, Mars holds the reins, though Saturn is watching his every move (Saturn would rather direct than drive anyway).
But there are two very hopeful trines, one between Saturn and Uranus [think “practical science”] and the other between Jupiter and the cluster of three planets in Capricorn [Earth power!]. Find the chart here. We might get through this month with effective actions for social justice, as opposed to outright violence and warfare. More likely, we’ll see both. I’m also looking closely at a very tight semi-square aspect between Mercury and Neptune, and hoping this brings us some practical spirituality)
Scorpio and Aquarius share many of the same goals and ideals — the breaking of taboos, an obsessive search for answers — but they have very different ways of pursuing them. Scorpio dives deep into Water — the personal and collective unconscious — to discover and defy the private, intimate taboos, the deep emotional truths, while Aquarius takes to Air — the realm of logic and reason — to break social taboos, ensure individual freedoms, and find the truths that science and rationality have to offer.
This month, we may find ourselves fielding outright attacks or more subtle attempts at power grabs from unconscious, unintegrated emotional forces that seem to be rising up even in normally reasonable, even-tempered individuals. Perhaps even ourselves, much as we may hate to admit it. Sometimes people repress their own unintegrated emotions by clinging to the small raft they call logic and reason. That’s not going to work real well this month. Clinging to whatever thoughts and ideas promise to keep you afloat because you are terrified of drowning in your own emotions and unconscious drives is, at best, a temporary solution.
The other option for this aspect is courageous actions being taken that are driven by emotional power, and steered by careful, rational thought. What we need is a solidly built, well-equipped sailing ship, not a raft. The deep waters of emotion combined with the winds of reason can carry us pretty much anywhere we want to go if we are aware and unafraid. Learning to sail the seas of emotions and the unconscious is the work of a lifetime — this month will offer us a test of our skills.
Anger is a natural and valuable response to injustice, to boundary violations, to deliberate harm. It mobilizes us to action. But if we hold on to and nurture the anger, it poisons us. Anger is a goad that awakens us to the need for action, but if it is used as a steady source of energy, it will pollute and finally, burn us out. Empathy, truth, and compassion are the proper fuels for our will, our need to create change in the world. A loving and connected soul and a clear mind uncontaminated by fear (the emotion that usually underlies anger) will let us use our energy and skills to shape a world of peace and justice.
Those who use anger as their preferred fuel are likely to find themselves embroiled in conflict this month. They will refuse to entertain any emotions that they believe might interfere with their plans for harm or revenge and so cut themselves off from that deep well of emotional power within every soul. The damage done may well be irreversible.
Those who do not use anger as their preferred fuel, those are coming from a place of empathy, connection, and clarity, will find their healing insights are much needed. Most of us will probably be dealing with a combination of the two. Any anger issues we have will surface, and it’s important to remember that we have choices about how we react.
To make healing choices, look for the underlying fears — almost invariably sourced in past events — and allow your rational mind to sort through them and help you put them to rest. Abandonment in childhood does not mean you need to fear being abandoned now, and your rational mind will help you understand that. Facing your fear of failure and realizing it was imposed on you allows your rational mind to show you paths to success. Let your fears dissolve in the forgiveness, love and empathy that are available to us all in the depths of our souls — if we look for those emotions, and choose them. These are the emotions that allow for true and clear perception, and real progress.
When the New Moon chart is cast for the USA (Washington, DC), Aries is rising, emphasizing the martial aspects of this chart. Major confrontations, particularly within the country, are likely, though humanitarian aid seems to be more of a focus in foreign policy than war this month. Business and financial sectors are going to be subject to upheavals and there will be clear challenges to entrenched powers. Public discourse is likely to be filled with shrill defenses of “reason” that are blind to deep psychological truths, as well as blasts of deeply-rooted anger and indignation which are unaffected by reasoned suggestions for resolutions of conflict. Deep cultural taboos are also likely to be brought up and challenged.
But emotionally-integrated, thoughtful action can lift us into new territory, and this is a definite possibility. We are likely to see moments of real genius and inspiration, and possibly major scientific breakthroughs. There could be sudden awakenings of environmental awareness and progress in our criminal justice system. Any magic you may choose to do for social justice will be strongly supported this month.
If you’d like to understand more about how the current astrology is affecting you personally, contact me for a consultation.
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