Urania's Well: Astrology for Changing Times
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Big Questions, Big Choices: Full Moon in Scorpio
"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult." – E.B. White
Full Moon charts are generally said to be in effect only for the two weeks until the next New Moon. But a chart is a single moment in time on the restless sea of planetary movements - a moment that lets us get a reading on where we’re heading, and make any necessary course corrections Used wisely, the course that is set in that moment can influence our lives far beyond the next couple of weeks.
This month’s Full Moon (May 3, 11:42 pm EDT, chart is here) falls on the Taurus/Scorpio opposition reminding us again that death is an integral part of the life we see around us as we dance the circle, whether we are celebrating the burgeoning growth of Beltanetide in the Northern Hemisphere, or the harvest of Samhaintide in the Southern. Taurus and Scorpio insist that we live life intensely and fearlessly in full awareness of its joy and mystery.
Jupiter in Leo forms a T-square with the Full Moon opposition, offering a big dose of enthusiasm and probably excess. It's a good time to take full advantage of the opportunities we are given. The important thing to note, though, is that we should take advantage of opportunities, not of other people, and this chart suggests to me that there will be a lot of taking advantage of others happening in the next couple of weeks, particularly in the areas of big business and big government. “Others” may not be feeling terribly compliant — in fact, they may well decide to push back hard. So while we watch whatever dramas unfold on the world stage (and this is a fairly dramatic chart) how can we avoid the pitfalls and leverage the joy? And there should be some joy available to leverage now, since Jupiter in Leo is all about joy. And power. Let’s not forget power, because these aspects demand that we understand and claim it. Neither powerlessness nor trying to take others’ power can bring us joy — we must learn to source and use our own personal power to direct our lives and create needed change.
Almost all of us, in some areas of our lives, act as leaders. In others, we’re followers (an equally important role), and sometimes we are part of a decision-making group. Over these next couple of weeks, it’s going to be important to know where and how you can be most effective in any given situation. Lead, follow, join the work crew — or get out of the way. Know where you want to put your attention and energy, then stay focused on that area of life or on that goal. Be honest — with yourself if no one else. Pay attention, and catch yourself when you try to rationalize away your discomfort, or project some shadow part of you onto another. Joy doesn’t have much truck with lies and evasions. Neither does true power. You’ll have an opportunity to gain some real insights into yourself and others, to see where you are avoiding or refusing to fulfill your own potentials. Taking advantage of that opportunity requires a clear internal mirror and a willingness to step into your personal power.
There’s another aspect that jumps out of this chart, a tight opposition between Mercury and Saturn with Mercury strong in its own sign of Gemini and the final dispositor of the chart. Truth will out with this aspect, and truth will be spoken to power — often with a certain amount of glee. This is very much an aspect of Youth vs. Age, and my best advice to those of you with teenagers in your household is to duck -- and then be sure you are honest with them. It is also an aspect that suggests the need to control the mind -- renewing or beginning a meditation practice would be a great way to handle it. (Especially for your teenager!)
There’s a wide square from Neptune to both of these planets, forming yet another challenging T-square aspect. Those of us with a spiritual/magical practice would be well-advised to make certain we have a good feedback mechanism in place, and regular reality check-ins. I wrote about that in some detail in my last post on the Aries New Moon, which is still very much in effect. When you are making decisions, or interacting with others, make sure you have all the facts. Actively practice tolerance. Watch for rationalizations — your own and others.
There is a miasma of depression surrounding this T-square. Of course, much depends on where these aspects fall in your birth chart, but rigorous mental hygiene is something we all might want to pay attention to as we deal with this aspect. I mentioned the need for a meditation practice and regular reality checks. In addition, pay careful attention to your habits and patterns of thinking. Look closely at your core values and spiritual beliefs — are they congruent with each other, and with the future you want for yourself and the world? Take a peek into the future, at the person you want to become, and the life you want to be living. Ask yourself what values and beliefs this person must have to be who they are and to have such a fulfilling life. What kind of thoughts does this future you have as they go through their day? What are their beliefs? How do they differ from the thoughts and beliefs you hold right now? The way you use your mind shapes your future, and the power of change is in the present moment.
On the world stage, this aspect speaks to the undermining of old value and belief systems, and I would not be surprised to see some kind of scientific or technological twist on this theme in the news over the next couple of weeks. Those who hold to old value and beliefs systems will actively resist and try to deny change. Expect to see a lot of people play ostrich and stick their heads in the sand when confronted with uncomfortable facts and spiritual truths.
The close opposition of Uranus to the MC from the third house of the USA chart concerns me, as it speaks to sudden and possibly traumatic changes that likely to be internal to the country, though they will reflect into the world. An unaspected Mars rules the Aries IC, and environmental upheavals such as earthquakes, explosions, fires and strong storms could be a problem. Infrastructure issues, as well as riots and civil disturbances would also reflect this aspect, unfortunately supported by the Mars influence just noted, and Mercury ruling the civil-service/military sixth. At its worst, Aries is mindlessly violent. At its best, it is courageous, pioneering, and takes action, walking right in where the proverbial angels fear to tread. In this chart, it rules the house of the people and the land. Do we break new ground, or just shed more blood? We are all looking at big questions with far-reaching answers right now. Make your choices with care.
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