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Dental hygiene and the wheel of the year

The equinox is upon us, bringing light and dark again into balance, so it is again time for us to turn our minds to our toothbrushes.

That's right, toothbrushes.

I'm a big believer in using visuals to honor the change of seasons, and changing my toothbrush has long been part of my personal practice.  Dentists think it should be changed every three months, and what do you know, seasons happen every three months, as well!  My hygienist friends are pleased because I remember a task that many people don't, and it's also helped me remember that I really ought to respect the cycles of nature as the flow past me, so it's a win-win.  And if you factor in the environmental and social factors that I lay out below, it's either a win-win-win or a win-win-win-win.

Of course, this is also a rare opportunity to combine convenience with intentional spending, something that doesn't crop up all that often.  The convenience portion is a toothbrush subscription, ensuring that a new one comes to my door four times a year.  I use the Preserve company for that purpose because, as the image indicates, they make their toothbrushes out of #5 plastic, more or less creating a market for recycling yogurt cups and other materials which didn't previously exist.

So I get to keep some plastic out of landfills, have a fresh new toothbrush at the beginning of every season, and even support the US Postal Service.  I like my mailman, know him by name, and think there's real value in having someone who knows me stop by my house six days a week.  It's spending that reduces environmental degradation, strengthens my religious life, improves my health, and enhances my community.  I can't think of a bigger return on investment than that.

So enjoy your equinox, and don't forget to change your toothbrush!

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Terence P Ward is a business writer and journalist who blogs under the rather cumbersome moniker of True Pagan Warrior.  He can generally be found at home, tending to his gardens and the many demands of his cats; in the alternative, follow TPW on Facebook. 


  • Don Kraig
    Don Kraig Sunday, 22 September 2013

    Indeed, getting a new brush every 3 months is a great idea. Just as important, IMO, is to use the toothbrush daily. You should also floss daily.

    For those who don't know it, periodontal disease may be a cause of all sorts of other medical problems including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease, and even pregnancy issues. Brushing and flossing are your first defense against all of these issues.

    By the same token, for optimum oral health see your dentist. Dentists can find small problems before they become big ones, saving your teeth, your jaw, your gums, and many thousands of dollars. If you cannot afford to see a dentist (Are you sure? Have you asked? Do they have a payment plan?) you may be able to get free or low-cost care through local government health services. If there is a university with a school of dentistry near you, they often have clinics at low cost or free.

  • Jamie
    Jamie Tuesday, 24 September 2013

    That's a really great idea! I never knew about that company.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor Saturday, 28 September 2013

    I like it, Terence! Thanks.

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