Daily Moon Vibes: Flow in Tune with Mama Moon!

Astrologer + artist, Kathy Crabbe tunes into Mama Moon as she cycles through all 12 signs of the zodiac each month. Kathy shares these insights and transits with you to help awaken and strengthen your intuition. Included are affirmations and spirit animal medicine from her Elfin Ally Oracle Deck and Lefty Oracle Deck.

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REORIENTATION Time: Cancer Moon Vibes Jan. 18-20

Mama Moon enters the Cardinal, Water sign of Cancer the Crab on Jan. 18 at 7:44 pm Pacific time until Jan. 20. During this time Papa Sun enters the Fixed, Air sign of freedom loving Aquarius.

Call upon your imagination (or the Elfin Ally Spirit Animal for this Moon) to help you hear the call of your inner voice. This is a good Moon-Time to withdraw and REORIENT yourself in preparation for the blast of Full Moon Eclipse energy coming on Jan. 20 in Leo.

Cancer Moon Spirit Animal: Froggy Luv

Keyword: Humble
Oracle: Love is always the answer.
Reversed: Your heart is closed down.

“Froggy Luv“
from The Elfin Ally Oracle Deck

by Kathy Crabbe

Last modified on
I believe in dreams, creativity AND inspiring my peeps to awaken intuition and joy, no matter what. As a practicing astrologer + artist for the past 26 years I’ve learned a thing or two and I’d love to share that with you! Creative tools such as my Daily Moon Vibes, Oracle Decks and Astrology Reports will help to awaken your intuition, which is essential for navigating these often crazy times. Learn more here: kathycrabbe.com


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